The second section

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13135936

Policy development and implementation is the core business of what democratic governments do. Decision-making regarding public policy impacts the lives of individuals, families, communities and society in some way. Hence, it is imperative that those involved, and those who practice, the promotion of health acknowledge that health is developed in the public arena - public health is political (Baum 2006). To promote the principles and values of the New Public Health agenda, particularly regarding the way in which health is influenced by decision-making outside of the health environment, this assessment is designed for you to build your knowledge of pubic policy process and the ideologies of healthy public policy (HPP). 

Undertaking this report, provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of public policy process and features of healthy public policy. The assessment task has three identified areas of reporting. Firstly it requires a robust discussion of public policy and healthy public policy (HPP) theory - so that you demonstrate your knowledge of both concepts and provide a clear indication of how public policy is linked to health outcomes. This section provides the theoretical and background context of the report. 

The second section is a brief critique and analysis of policy through the features of healthy public policy. You have a local government policy and briefing paper on the topic of food security (see AT3 Module). In doing so, you critique the policy document and briefing paper to establish if HPP values were considered in the development of the policy structure. 

Simply, for each of the six HPP features+ you are to discuss if the policy includes/outlines/discusses/highlights such an approach (i.e., YES - it was considered, or NO if your critique of the HPP feature suggests it was not considered), you must provide a brief rationale for each response+. 

In the third section of the report - a critical discussion and analysis of how well the policy is positioned when viewed through a Health in All Policies lens is required. This section draws on the complexity of the content covered in HSH702. In this section you demonstrate your understanding of Contemporary Health Issues and Policies through a robust, evidenced based discussion. 

The findings are to be presented as a written report. Report writing is a competency task for professional health practice. For some of you already in working roles, this may come easy. However, for others, writing a report is a new task that will involve you undertaking independent research to establish report writing requirements and presentation. 

Again, be mindful to consider your learning objectives when undertaking this process. Revisit what you stated as your learning objectives at the commencement of the unit, and question - how does the process of undertaking assessment task three assist you to achieve one, two or three of your learning objectives. 

Your task is to address the following: 
• Discuss public policy process - healthy public policy and HiAP 
You have been introduced to the theoretical position of policy, public policy and policy process. You are required to explore these concepts and demonstrate your understanding of the terms and processes involved in the Australian political system and in the development and decision making of public policy. 

Similarly, it is important that you demonstrate your understanding of healthy public policy in a succinct and articulate manner. You need to explain notions of HPP and HiAP. Again, put this in context (i.e. presenting a background the historical context of the new public health agenda, and the thinking and shifts of this movement). 

• Policy Critique and Analysis (Food Security Policy -see AT3 Module ) 
For this task you will critique the policy document provided for the consideration of HPP features. A policy briefing paper is also provided to give background context of the policy development and process. 

In this section you respond and discuss how well the policy considered and/or applied the six features of healthy public policy (see AT3 Module for Baum 2008 eReading). 

1. Issues are multi-sectoral 
2. Engagement comes from many interest groups 
3. Health risks are global not regional 
4. Aims to be educational and persuasive not dictatorial 
5. Action for healthy public policy takes many forms 
6. HPP is intrinsically a political activity 

You respond by providing a brief assessment of each feature and include a rationale of the position taken (i.e. yes, no or limited - rationale of why this is so). Following the critique of each of the six discussion points you are to provide a brief summary of your overall assessment of HPP features employed in the development and intent of the policy (one paragraph only). 

Note: You do NOT critique or assess the TOPIC of Food Security - you are assessing Healthy Public Policy features ONLY. 

• Discuss the Health in All Policies Standing 
In the final section of the report discuss how well the Maribyrnong Food Security policy is positioned when viewed through a Health in All Policies lens. Thus, you will draw on your knowledge of HPP and HiAP and consider how well the policy you have critiqued assumes a Health in All Policies position. 

You have covered contemporary issues, social health, social determinants, healthy public policy, public policy process and Health in All Policies across the trimester. This final section requires you to draw on your knowledge of HSH702 content and discuss how well the policy draws on the values and principles of HiAP. You need to discuss if/how the policy has the potential for the betterment of individual, family, and community health outcomes. If this is not the case - why not? 

AT3 Resources - Refer to Assessment Task 3 Module 
• Maribyrnong City Council Food Security Policy 2011 - 2013 
• Maribyrnong City Council Food Security Briefing Paper 
• Baum, F.(2008) Reading - Healthy Public Policy (Chapter 24) 
• Healthy Public Policy features 
• HiAP principles 
• Health in All Policies (HiAP) Framework for Country Action, January 2014 (WHO website) 

The report is a formal document and thus, you must always introduce your report intent/content and provide a concluding statement: 
• Typically, with a report of this size it would be a small paragraph for the introduction and the conclusion. 

Introduction - details the intent of the report (what it is about and why). 
Conclusion - sums up the discussion (what was said and why). 

This is assessed as part of the Style and Presentation Marking Criteria. 

Times Roman 
Size 12 Font 
Spacing 1.5 
Harvard Referencing style 

You must substantiate all academic work (e.g. peer reviewed journals, text books, sources of information used in the document must be cited). 
Assessment three: Policy Report 
In your report you are expected to: 
Demonstrate your knowledge of public policy and process. Demonstrate your understanding of HPP and HiAP. Present findings of a policy analysis using the features of healthy public policy and draw conclusions how well the policy provided assumes the position of HiAP. Communicate your findings in a report document and support your discussion by evidence-based literature.

Reference no: EM13135936

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