The scope of ethical responsibility for leaders and follower

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131237015 , Length: 3000 Words

Assignment 1: The summative individual essay will be 3000 words in length not including references or any other extraneous content.

Assignment 2: The summative final report will be 3000 words in length not including references and appendices or any other extraneous content. Whilst you will work in groups to develop your ideas and for formative assessment, you are required to produce individual reports.


Students will support argumentation with concepts from material provided via unilearn and their own additional sources to address the following objectives:

Assignment 1: individual essays will demonstrate knowledge and ability to

1. apply concepts of ethical leadership and followership to a variety of scenarios;

2. appreciate the scope of ethical responsibility for leaders and followers;

3. practice moral imagination for generating a range of options for ethical behaviour;

4. critically reflect on ethical issues that arise in organisations;

Assignment 2: individual reports will demonstrate in addition to the above objectives the ability to

5. critically evaluate leader, follower, and organizational behaviour in a real world, global context through the application of ethical and leadership concepts;

6. research and critique business behaviour in ethical terms.

Individual Assignment 1: Case study of film stories in essay format

Based on the stories in the films Arbitrage [2012] and The Truman Show [1998] write a 3000 word essay that comparing and contrasting the major ethical issue of each story. Take into particular consideration issues of ethical leadership and ethical followership and real world examples that are related and relevant. Apply ethical perspectives and ethical leadership theoriesto your evaluation.

Use standard essay structure and fulfil the above mentioned objectives 1-4.

Group Project / Individual Assignment 2: individual reports

As a group project, you will work in groups to prepare and perform formative debates in class. The group project will culminate in a final formative debate presentation that feed into individual reports.

The first task in this project is to create the following for your groups:

1. A group/project code of conduct/ethics

2. An accountability plan

3. A skills assessment and team structure scheme

4. A weekly project reporting form

5. A project plan specifying each group members’ tasks, project milestones, and measurement criteria

These will appear as appendices in your individual papers.

The individual summative report will demonstrate critically evaluative argumentation of a debate topic selected from the debate topics offered during the formative debate rounds or you may suggest a topic of your own for approval by your tutor. You will demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to apply concepts of ethical leadership related to communication, decision making, leading groups and organisations, diversity, universal ethics, and crisis leadership.

It is important that you argue (as if in a debate) both sides of the topic and provide a final position summary.

The final report will include:

1. An executive summary of the report (max 100 words)

2. A personal summary of each group member’s concrete content contribution to preparing for and delivering the debate presentations (max 300 words total)

3. A personal assessment of each group member’s engagement in the process(max 300 words total)

4. A well-researched report demonstrating the your individual approach to understanding, developing, evaluating, arguing, and rebutting a debate topic of your choice including a statement of final position on the issue and using APA 6th ed. citation standards (2300 words max)

5. A “References” page listing all academic and business sources consulted using APA 6th ed. style referencing (see tutorial)

6. The above project management tools as appendices.

General Assessment Guidance (detailed assessment criteria are in the handbook)

• Relevance: identification of issues, comprehensiveness, linkage to real world examples, application of relevant concepts from module knowledge base

• Organization/Presentation: use of current and relevant and reputable academic and business sources, structure (paper, paragraphs, sentences), mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuation), style (citation, referencing, flow, language), neatness (but not fanciness).

• Impact: ability to persuade by delivering well-considered and well-founded arguments, ability to relate discussion to real world situations, ability to reflect on personal growth and integrate personal learning from assignment content.

Expectations of Quality

• You will use APA citation style demonstrating mastery.

• You will NOT plagiarize.

• Additional sources will be vetted rigorously as reliable, credible mainstream or academic sources.

For questions concerning how to choose a source, consult a librarian.

• You will run a spell check and a grammar check on the papers AND conduct a CAREFUL PROOFREADING before submitting papers.

• You will use the word count function to be sure you are close to the required number of words.

• You will submit papers electronically via TurnItIn on UniLearnonly.

Verified Expert

The ordeal of bartering started from time immemorial with articles that satiated the needs of the parties to transaction. As the horizons of trading relationships expanded beyond traditionally believed geographical horizons a common mode of reward was felt necessary and there money was born. “A leadership strategy without ethical clarity produces moral and economic bankruptcy” the very words of Bill Donahue are best suited to sum up the essence of this essay. Sustainability is the most essential and least touted in the real sense in present economic scenario.(Flite, C., & Harman, L. B. ,2013).Various acts of leadership by an individual being bequeathed with power whether casting light or shadow based on individual needs and drives that are personal are dissected based on the most professed theories on this topic is the core of this essay.

Reference no: EM131237015

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