Reference no: EM13475941
The School of General Education's Science Department Seminars are meant to be an interactive period between students and instructor not a lecture period. In order to fully participate in Seminar be sure to prepare ahead of time by reviewing the provided materials. It is recommended that students:
a.Create a Microsoft Word document including:
- All responses to the Seminar questions listed, and
- Any questions you may have on the topic.
These questions and comments can then be easily copied and pasted into the Seminar chat screen throughout our discussion. Be sure to respond to questions posed by your instructor and feel free to share your own thoughts, ideas, and questions related to the topic. It is important to participate throughout the hour. Your active participation helps to advance the discussion and allows your instructor to determine which areas warrant further exploration.
You must either attend the live Seminar or, i f you are unable to attend a live, synchronous Seminar, you may also listen to the archived session for the unit to ensure that you do not miss any important information, and complete the Seminar alternative assignment in order to earn points for this part of the class.
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Guidance System and the Nutrition Facts Label are tools that can be used to help you design and plan for a healthful diet. This Seminar will discuss these tools and their usefulness in planning a healthy diet. Come prepared to discuss the following:
1.What is a healthy diet?
2.What are the key components of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
3.What is MyPlate and how does it help individuals apply the Dietary Guidelines?
4.How are the foods grouped in the MyPlate Guidelines?
5.What five components must be included on food labels?
6.What claims are allowed to be printed on a food label?
To earn Seminar credit for this unit, you may complete one of the following options below