The Scarcity Fallacy

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Reference no: EM133182997


Which of the following best describes C. Wright Mills' sociological imagination?

a. The ability to separate private troubles from public issues

b. The ability to create one's world through imagination

c. The ability to see connections between the individual and the larger society

d. The ability to see the world from a stranger's perspective


According to the article "The Scarcity Fallacy", world hunger agencies' explanation of the problem typically leaves out which factor?

a. Inequality

b. Marketing

c. Food production

d. Logistics


According to the article, Malthus' theory (that population growth would lead to mass starvation) was proven incorrect by the fact that ___________________________________.

a. even though the population grew, food production grew even faster

b. even though the population grew, world hunger became less of a problem

c. the population boom he predicted didn't happen.


Which of the following news headlines is an example of the sociological imagination?

a. "Homelessness in San Francisco is on the rise in the wake of the housing crisis"

b. "Giant U.S. automotive corporation closes factories all over the U.S. - thousands are laid off as jobs are sent to Mexico"

c. "Enrollment in college courses skyrockets as workers try to learn the new skills employers will want in the 21st century"

d. All of the above


According to the article, world hunger is worse today than any other point in history, even though food is more plentiful today than ever before.




Which statement best describes the relationship between culture and social problems?

a. Social problems are the same across cultures.

b. What is considered a social problem depends on the cultural context

c. Culture is the source of most social problems

d. Culture itself is considered a social problem


For this question, refer to the lecture slide titled "Determining if Something is a Social Problem"

Think of an issue that meets the criteria above now, but didn't always. This should be something that has gained 'social problem status' in your lifetime so you can remember a time when it wasn't considered a social problem.

Explain how it meets the criteria now and offer some guesses as to why it is only now considered a social problem.

Try to remember how you became aware of this social problem and describe.


According to the article, the best predictor of whether a country will have a high hunger rate is ___________________________________.

a. a combination of poverty, conflict, and corruption.

b. inability to grow their own food.

c. lack of knowledge about how to process and store the food they grow.


According to sociologists, a social problem is a social condition or pattern of behavior that

a. a sufficient number of people believe warrants public concern and collective action

b. primarily affects an individual's friendships and romantic relationships

c. harms some or all people in a society

d. appears to have no solution

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Reference no: EM133182997

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