Reference no: EM132615670
The roles of an Executive Coach are multifaceted. Coaching is not only about business results but has a psychological aspect to it in the sense that coaches are there to help a person to learn and change (Ting & Scisco, 2006). The six principles of leadership coaching create a safe and challenging environment, working on the coachee's agenda, facilitating, and collaborating, self-awareness, learning from experience, and modeling what you coach solidifies that fact. Coaching is about human behavior and creating that relationship where a coachee feels comfortable enough and respects you enough to listen to your insight. Additionally, coaching is allowing the coachee the space to find their solutions and growth opportunities without being told. It will enable the coachee to have a say so in their growth.
The term coach has meaning definitions, but the common theme is that a coach " about helping valuable people get from where there are to where they want to be" (Maltbia et al., 2014, p. 163). Executive coaching is also focused on learning, creating a partnership, finding the balance between the business and the person, and becoming the new norm for leadership. Lines can get blurred when it comes to direct leadership and coaching. While executive coaches are making the most out of the opportunities to coach and want coachees to grow within their roles while not managing every aspect, leaders may not be as intentional. Coachable moments can slip by, and we go back to directing instead of allowing people to create their own solutions.
Additionally, conflicts may arise in not knowing how to truly build relationships or boundaries. It can leave coaches uncomfortable and hesitate to really understand the core of the person to be an effective coach, which can lead to missed opportunities. You also must create that balance to where you must be a leader versus the coach.