The role of the finance department

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM1352854

Consider the role of the finance department at On Your Mark. As a division manager,

1. How might the finance department help you to successful complete the duties of your job?
2. What role does a finance department play in valuing business opportunities for future acquisitions?
3. What are the ethical responsibilities of the finance department?
3. How might you, as a division manager, form a good working relationship with and utilize the talents of the finance department?


Reference no: EM1352854

Questions Cloud

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The role of the finance department : Assume the role of the finance department at On Your Mark. As a division manager, how might the finance department help you to successful finish the duties of your job?
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Find the portfolio beta : You own a stock portfolio invested 25 percent in stock Q, 20 percent in stock R, 15% in stock S, and 40% in stock T. The betas for these stocks are .84, 1.17, 1.11, and 1.36 respectively.


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