Reference no: EM13823845
The Role of School Uniforms in the Upbringing of Children
The development of children is one thing that is focused by parents, teachers and the community in general. This is because they believe in the future of the young generation as they build on their career success and also their impact on improving the living standards of people around them (Harrison, 2002). Even as this is evaluated, the choice of dressing becomes a question that many try to answer, especially on the attire used while attending learning centers. Therefore, this study focuses on the role of having uniform dressing code for attending learning facilities.
This study is one of the proceedings in the debate for the need champion for students learning in the same learning institution to put on clothes that are uniform for everyone. Research conducted previously on the subject gives a lot of insight concerning its suitability and importance. Brunsma (2004) takes direct approach and experience with an objective of critically analyzing the matter of the policies concerning school uniforms. He gives a clear outline of the history of the issue of school uniforms and gives a comprehensive analysis and results of the research study. The study basically argues that the debate concerning the adoption of school uniform policies, especially in academic centers found in the United States. He informs every stakeholder affected by the matter, such as teachers, parents, community members concerned and the education sector of the importance of the uniform apparels for learning regarding the sociological, political, cultural and legal aspects of the argument.
Basically, the adoption of homogenous institutional clothing is an excellent idea, despite being rejected by various critics. It is not just about looking at the negatives, but also focusing on the positive too. First, institutional uniform gives the impression of a dressing code that directs the child's mind into the most significant thing in school - learning. The psychology of the child requires to be analyzed critically, since as they grow up, they tend to focus more on their looks due to the age of the all-knowing - adolescent. At these various stages of child's development, he or she needs to be given an upright guidance concerning the need to have priorities in life. Putting on home clothes when attending school protocols make students feel more relaxed, as every person will be engaged in improving on their appearance due to competition, thereby losing focus on books. Hence their education is a little bit compromised.
Still defending the issue of students focusing on how they dress, many children would go ahead and push their parents in buying them expensive wear so that they can show off to their classmates (Tarshis, 2011). As a matter of fact, some students do not even want the thought of repeating clothes in a month. This increases the expenses especially towards the budget, which is on the shoulders of the parents as they never wish to see their children embarrassed by their friends just because of a mere attire. Otherwise, school uniforms alleviate these situations and they are cheaper as compared to purchase of expensive home garments for attending school lessons. Students need to be simple and clean, though the exaggeration of being more attractive on their appearance is not an issue to concentrate on.
Another critical point is on the issue of the upbringing of the children. The biggest reason why children are taken to school is to learn, especially the educational concepts about the natural phenomena. However, the process does not end there; it is more of bringing up disciplined children who will fill in the future gap when it comes to the career concerns such as responsibility as adults. With the future seeming bright, the basics are laying the best foundation for the building of the future. That is the reason why the issue of school uniform needs to be taken seriously. Adding to the matter concerning career discipline, school uniform keeps the children in learning the role of ethics as they will one day be expected to have some dressing code while working (BBC News, 2014). For instance, lawyers and doctors are not allowed to put on casual clothes while on duty. This cannot be observed when students put on any type of clothes to school.
Generally, students putting on school uniforms tend to learn about being contented with what they have. In addition to that, discipline is instilled when a student wears clothes that match with the others. This is because children tend not to do mistakes when on uniforms while outside the school premises, since they will be identified with the particular school. Defending that statement, for instance, students can always be found when they have gone missing with the help of uniforms. So much usually occurs with issues such as abductions and hence uniforms are deemed important. In as much as it is not proper to be pessimistic about the misfortunes, these issues do occur in the society and so discussing it in this platform should not be ignored.
To summarize this work, it is a substantial point in question regarding the role of uniforms in the upbringing of the children of the current society. The work gives an in-depth assessment of the essentials of having a systematic order of dressing when it comes to students attending their institutions. The ethical issues and the other reasons are involved while giving out an outline of the adoption of school uniform policies in any country such as the United States of America. The matter is still subject to discussion, as this work opens up the avenue of discussing the various advantages and disadvantages of having universal school attire for a given academic institution.