The role of each sector in the future net zero system

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Reference no: EM133313852

Sustainable Energy Systems and Climate Changes

Coursework - The Role of Each Sector in the Future Net Zero System.

Learning Outcome 1: Critically discuss the meaning of sustainability with respect to energy systems
Learning Outcome 2: Systematically evaluate the consequences of resource use on the environment in terms of resource depletion, pollution, waste management and security of energy
Learning Outcome 3: Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of unconventional sources of energy
Learning Outcome 4: Develop a detailed knowledge of technologies relevant to clean energy systems in order to be able to make informed critical value judgements on future energy policy.
Learning Outcome 5: Analyse complex energy systems from fundamental scientific principles, with respect to efficiency and environmental impacts, and identify importance of assumptions made in evaluating energy systems
Learning Outcome 6: Learn independently, exercise independent though, and sound technical judgements

Achieving Net Zero and Limiting Climate Change

Description of Assessment Task and Purpose:

Free markets and technology may yet deliver a 1.5C world.
Taking the above statement which was released after COP26 you are to develop your logic for a particular sector (transportation, construction, energy etc,) to do this, or possibly a 1.8 to 2.1C outcome. This to be done on both country-level and world-level as described later in this brief. You are to consider the abilities and roles of Governments, Businesses, and Individuals to do their parts towards this particle sector. It is recommended to use UK Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener (full report is available on BB Week 4 materials)

Current pledges and warming projections now look like this:

Reflect on what has already happened at this particular sector. The world was on a path to 4C before Paris in 2015. This was down to 2.7C coming into Glasgow. Climate Action Tracker says that if countries deliver on all binding pledges at Cop26 we are heading for 2.1C. "For the first time, I can really see a potential path forward to limiting warming to 1.5C," Michael Mann, director of the US Earth System Science Centre and best-known as Professor Hockey Stick.

Taking the complexity of historic climate change already hardwired in you are to develop your strategy to achieve the above lower climate change outcomes.

You have a choice in your work, all must do 1 and 2 and then you have a choice of option a or b (below), and all must then do 3 and 4 on their choice of a or b:

1) Section ONE: All must set the Global scene clearly on the scale of the challenge in terms of current energy use, carbon emissions (including equivalents e.g. methane) (so the current demand profile / Sankey diagram) and some on the current activities in place to reduce use and emissions (so efficiency and redesign of systems). You can then drill down to a Continent if you wish, so Europe, Middle East, Africa etc and focus on this if you prefer aa solutions will vary by Continent. This is 25% of your mark. You must demonstrate an understanding of climate change as part of this.

2) Section TWO: All must as part of the above Global or Continental scene describe the ability of renewables in 2021 to meet the above, noting the limitations of the technologies in terms of time and costs and how they can help meet the demand, identifying the current shortfall. The UK BEIS 2021 Energy Use figure shows the issues clearly, but you are to get global data to use. Then you can choose to do option a or b:
a) A holistic look at the way the Global or Continental community will progress achieving the changes needed in this particular sector (so markets and finance, and technology, and behaviour), OR
b) Take one aspect e.g. Markets and finance, or a Technology or set of technologies and go into detail on their role and capability to contribute to the Global or Continental community including behaviour. Technologies here include PV and biomass, etc and markets include trading and microgrids for example.

3) Section THREE: describe the above in more detail, so for a) this will be a medium level review of markets, technologies, and behaviour; and for b) for markets and finance a detailed review of the current international, national, and business finance approaches, or for a technology a clear description of the engineering, manufacture, potential contribution, and limitations to do part of the solution.

4) Section FOUR: present your strategy to accomplish the above climate change goals and the role of Net Zero approaches you have defined in your a) or b) and demonstrate a clear understanding of the challenges and time needed to progress your strategy. A lot was accomplished after 2015, but much has been the easy wins, e.g., coal and wind, and a lot remains to be done. As engineers I expect a solid engineering and financial assessment of the requirements. As an example, how quickly can we move to electric cars - where will the materials come from and at what costs - leading to a realistic view on how long petrol and diesel will be needed. Your strategy is to be medium level, the often-termed helicopter level.

Your report should include a critical review/analysis and define the variance in your logic, so up and downsides in terms of time, money, and engagement. There is no single answer, we need a range of options, what is your solution? Students' reports must reflect on the outcomes of COP27.

Verified Expert

"The assessment is performed to develop a strategy following which the global countries might meet the goal of 1.5C World, derived after the meeting of COP26, without leaving an adverse impact on surroundings.With the support of the research work, initially, the challenges which are being faced by the nations of the world in terms of energy consumption and carbon emissions are evaluated and this is eventually used to evaluate their recent initiative to curb climate change. The contribution of the Asian pacific continent is found to be maximum in comparison to others in terms of excessive emission of Co2 using non-renewable sources of energy. It is recommended for global countries to use a net zero approach for meeting the goal of 1.5C as it will help in decarbonizing all sectors along with reducing dependency on limited resources."

Reference no: EM133313852

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