Reference no: EM13370289
The Rite-Way Plumbing Co. began business March 1, 2006 in Sarasota. Its business address is 124 Division Lane, Sarasota, FL 33645. Its employer recognition number is 69-3456789. Its principal business activity is plumbing installation and repair and its business code number is 238220. It files its income tax returns on this calendar-year basis.
The business was shaped as a limited partnership by two brothers, John Henry (SSN 555-55-5555) and James Henry (SSN 666-66-6666), who work full-time in business, and their father Tom Henry (SSN 888-88-8888), the limited partner. The brothers each have a 25 percent interest in the income, loss, and capital of the business while their father owns a 50 percent interest in income, loss, and capital, but takes no active interest in the business other than as that of an investor.
At end of 2009, its operations showed cash gross receipts of $1,240,000 and the subsequent cash expenditure items:
Salaries and wages (excluding John and James) $378,000
Repairs and Maintenance 2,000
Rent 28,000
Taxes and Licenses 38,000
Advertising 3,000
Pension Plans (excluding John and James) 15,000
Health/Dental Insurance 16,000
Material Purchases 220,000
Truck Expense 45,000
Insurance (excluding health/dental) 65,000
Legal/Professional Fees 3,000
Office Expenses 6,000
Utilities/Telephone 8,000
Meals/Entertainment 4,000
Draw - John 75,000
Draw - James 60,000
Total Cash Expenditures $966,000
James and John each receive a guaranteed payment of $75,000 in addition to the payment of their dental and health insurance premiums, which were $3,000 each. The other insurance payments add the $1,500 premiums for $200,000 term life insurance policies each on James and John that name the partnership as beneficiary.
Though the company maintains a certain level of plumbing supplies for its business inventory is not a material income producing factor; therefore, material purchases are expenses. The partnership uses the cash method of accounting for expenses and revenue.
The company purchased the subsequent items for use solely in the business through 2009: a new truck (weighing over 6,000 pounds) bought on 21st June that cost $21,250; a new computer system bought on August 17 costing $3,200; additional new office furniture bought on 4th December costing $2,500.
At the starting of 2009, the company owned the following items that were all purchased the month the company began business. In that year, the company did not choose bonus depreciation or Section 179 expensing for any of its truck, equipment, or furniture purchases:
Asset Cost basis
Trucks $78,000
Plumbing equipment (7 year property) 23,000
Office furniture 16,000
Computer system 4,000
On March 12, 2009, it sold one of its old trucks for $6,000 that had originally cost $17,000. It also was able to sell its old computer system on September 12, 2009 for $250. It donated two pieces of its old office furniture to Goodwill Industries. This furniture had cost $1,500 and had a present value of $600.
Using the 2009 fill-in forms (the latest available) on the IRS website, prepare pages 1, 2, and 3 of Form 1065 (you are not needed to complete Schedules L, M-1, or M-2) for the Rite-Way Plumbing Co. along with the Schedule K-1s for every of the three partners and any other required forms. The partnership requires maximizing its cost recovery deductions for tax purposes.