Reference no: EM131505859
Need help responding to these two discussion post 100 words
Write: Based on your textbook and the required article, address the following items:
Explain at least three reasons for the rise of conservatism in the last part of the 20th century.
Explain at least one way in which the rise of conservatism had a positive or negative impact for a specific group of Americans.
Then, select an issue that you feel is important today. How does a knowledge of history help us gain a better understanding of this issue?
Respond to Peers: Respond in a substantive manner to at least two of your classmates' posts by Day 7. Each response should be at least 100 words.
Discussion 1 Carolyn Newkirk Email this Author
Hi Classmates and Instructor
Three reasons for the rise of conservatism in the last part of the 20th century were because of the Vietnam War, the energy crisis, and the Iranian hostage crisis Barnes & Bowels, 2014, 10.1, para, 1). Americans no longer trusted the government and many refused to vote. The Vietnam War brought about squandered cash and lives for America, while in the meantime making a break between the administration and the general population.
Amid the Christmas Bombing, "20,000 tons of bombs were dropped, however this did little to alter the course of the war" (Barnes and Bowles, 2015). "The United States was expending 33% of the world's oil and coal assets," and the Middle East filled the hole between the free market activity for a perpetually becoming monetary and purchaser masses (Barnes and Bowles, 2015). The Iranian prisoner emergency was another case of fizzled endeavors of the administration to show quality of America on the world stage.
At the point when activists assaulted the U.S. international safe haven in Tehran, caught 66 American residents, discharged 14 individuals, yet held 52 in long haul bondage; the general population were calling for indications of American power their cries were not replied. It took 444 days for a prisoner discharge determination, which likewise brought about the loss of eight Americans and costly airplane (Barnes and Bowles, 2014).
The advance toward conservatism was additionally a dismissal of socialism that a few sections of the world were not thriving with in their legislature. "From its beginnings as the primary country on the planet established on socialism, the Soviet Union rejected Christianity for common Communist philosophy" (Barnes and Bowles, 2015).
The restriction to social change programs that were begun by Democrats to determine a main problem that those living in destitution couldn't without much of a stretch overcome. In spite of the fact that, the Welfare to Work program caught people in cycles of neediness in light of the fact that the Democrats attempted to bargain to meet Republican requests of those working ought to be the main ones to get help (Barnes and Bowles, 2015).
Lyndon Johnson passed the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 which expanded the general migration standard by 30,000 (Barnes and Bowles, 2015). This was completely profited by the Eastern Europeans and the Asians. Amid that time ever, we were connecting with the Soviet Union in the harsh elements War and endeavoring to frustrate socialism in Vietnam. Seeing America as a shelter and getting away for religious and political flexibilities was most likely the real defining moment for the war on socialism and ascend in U.S. movement.
I thought that it was fascinating that the determination to enabling gay people to battle and kick the bucket serving in the United States military was "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". Despite the fact that I concur there must be some trade off, infringement of don't ask, don't tell was release from the military. "Gay and lesbian administration individuals could stay in the military the length of they didn't uncover their sexual introduction" (Levy, 2002).
However, when sexual introduction was uncovered, regardless of whether it was by the part or another administration part in direct infringement of the start of don't ask, don't tell, the gay person part was released. To me this is not a tradeoff, it's a strategy to permit benefit individuals to serve in consistent dread of backlash that is eventually out of their control. I am exceptionally thankful that this silly administer has been expelled.
Barnes, L. & Bowles, M. (2014). The American story: Perspectives and encounters from 1877. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Levy, P.B. (2002). Encyclopedia of Clinton presidency. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Discussion 1 Jose Zazueta Email this Author
Explain at least three reasons for the rise of conservatism in the last part of the 20th century.
1. The development of the suburbs induced a growth in evangelical and culturally conservative churchgoers. These neighborhoods served as meeting sites for the middle and high social class conservatives to plan and coordinate social movements to enhance their conservative.
2. The establishment of the National Review magazine in 1964 provided an influential conservative agenda for many Americans who were intellectual and political conservatives (Carter, 2003). Although there were other magazines out there during this time, the National Review was seen as the most influential as if often guided the conservative movement objectives and focus of effort (Carter, 2003).
3. African American support for Harry Truman's reelection grew after he supported the civil rights platform. However, this also led to a splintering of the Democratic Party due to many democrats who felt forsaken by their party.
As they felt disenfranchised to either party, they established the "Dixiecrat Movement" which served as the "foundation for the future defection of white Democratic voters in the South who had often backed their party's liberal economic agenda, but were adamantly opposed to the efforts of northern liberals to end segregation" (Carter, 2003, p. 13). The movement also spread into the northern states because Whites feared losing their jobs to the African Americans who continuously moved north in search of a better life.
Explain at least one way in which the rise of conservatism had a positive or negative impact for a specific group of Americans.
Conservatism had a negative impact on African Americans because it opposed the bussing of students into different northern schools for desegregation purposes. The wealthier and predominant white schools often had greater educational resources which were scarce in predominant African American schools (Barnes, 2015).
Select an issue that you feel is important today. How does a knowledge of history help us gain a better understanding of this issue?.
An important issue that impacts minorities today is the fact that the most live in the inner cities where there is a lack of healthy food and recreational areas available for the use of the public. Based on our knowledge of history, we can gain a better perspective into the reasons the best resources are typically found in predominant white neighborhoods. This allows us to understand the importance of having resources like healthy foods and facilities available just as educational resources were in the latter half of the 20th century and come up with ways to make the transition from liquor stores into healthy facilities.
Barnes, L. D. & Bowles M. D. (2015). The American Story: Perspectives and Encounters from 1877. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Carter, D. (2003). The Rise of Conservatism since World War II. OAH Magazine of History, 17(2), 11-16.