The removal of eschar from burned skin

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Reference no: EM13990275

------------------is the removal of eschar from burned skin.

_____________ investigates the body's structure, whereas __________ investigates the processes or functions of living things.
  A) Physiology, cytology
  B) Physiology, anatomy
  C) Anatomy, histology
  D) Histology, cytology
  E) Anatomy, physiology
The study of tissues is called
  A) cytology.
  B) anatomy.
  C) histology.
  D) anatomic imaging.
  E) physiology.
Ultrasound, X-rays, CT, and MRI are all examples of
  A) anatomic imaging.
  B) surface anatomy.
  C) regional anatomy.
  D) gross anatomy.
  E) cytology.
A group of cells with similar structure and function, together with the extracellular substances located between them, form a(n)
  A) organism.
  B) organelle.
  C) tissue.
  D) organ.
  E) organ system.
The basic living unit of all plants and animals is the
  A) cell.
  B) chemical.
  C) organ.
  D) organelle.
  E) tissue.
Which organ system removes substances from the blood, combats disease, maintains tissue fluid balance, and absorbs fat from the digestive tract?
  A) endocrine
  B) integumentary
  C) lymphatic
  D) respiratory
  E) urinary
Which organ system consists of skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands?
  A) endocrine
  B) integumentary
  C) lymphatic
  D) respiratory
  E) urinary
Which organ system consists of hormone-secreting glands, such as the pituitary and thyroid glands?
  A) endocrine
  B) integumentary
  C) lymphatic
  D) respiratory
  E) urinary
Which of these characteristics of life helps maintain homeostasis when environmental conditions change?
  A) growth and development
  B) metabolism
  C) organization
  D) reproduction
  E) responsiveness
Development is a process that begins with fertilization and ends with
  A) birth.
  B) adolescence.
  C) adulthood.
  D) old age.
  E) death.
Given these terms related to negative-feedback: 1. control center 2. effector 3. receptor 4. response 5. stimulus   Arrange them in the correct order as they operate to maintain homeostasis.
  A) 1,2,3,4,5
  B) 2,3,5,1,4
  C) 3,2,1,5,4
  D) 4,5,3,2,1
  E) 5,3,1,2,4
A body temperature of 98.6 degrees F (37 degrees C) is the __________ for body temperature.
  A) constant
  B) lower limit
  C) normal range
  D) set point
  E) upper limit
Which of these processes illustrates positive-feedback?
  A) increase in respiratory rate during exercise
  B) increase in heart rate when blood pressure decreases
  C) shivering when body temperature decreases
  D) increase in uterine contractions when uterine stretching increases during childbirth
  E) all of these
Failure of negative-feedback mechanisms to maintain homeostasis
  A) may produce disease.
  B) occurs when blood pressure increases during exercise.
  C) can be corrected by stimulating positive-feedback mechanisms.
  D) cannot be corrected by medical therapy.
  E) all of these
According to the concept of negative feedback, a slight increase in blood pressure causes
  A) an increase in heart rate.
  B) a decrease in heart rate.
  C) no change in heart rate.
To maintain homeostasis, the normal range of values for a variable
  A) is always below the set point.
  B) may change in different situations.
  C) may not deviate from the set point.
  D) occurs because of positive-feedback.
A term that means "away from the midline" is:
  A) distal
  B) lateral
  C) medial
  D) proximal
  E) superior
Which of these descriptions does NOT apply correctly to a person in the anatomic position?
  A) standing erect
  B) head facing forward
  C) feet facing forward
  D) arms hanging to the side
  E) palms facing toward the thighs
The scapula (shoulder blade) is __________ to the lung.
  A) dorsal
  B) posterior
  C) superficial
  D) all of these
The elbow is __________ to the wrist.
  A) distal
  B) inferior
  C) lateral
  D) medial
  E) proximal
The nose is __________ and __________ to the ears.
  A) anterior, proximal
  B) superior, lateral
  C) inferior, posterior
  D) anterior, medial
  E) superficial, medial
Which of the paired terms below are opposites?
  A) anterior and cephalic
  B) posterior and cephalic
  C) posterior and caudal
  D) superior and cephalic
  E) anterior and dorsal
Pancreatitis describes
  A) inflammation of the pancreas.
  B) removal of the pancreas.
  C) cancer of the pancreas.
  D) secretions from the pancreas.
  E) death of the pancreas.
A person lying flat on his back is said to be in the __________ position.
  A) anatomic
  B) prone
  C) supine
Given these directional terms: 1. caudal 2. cephalic 3. distal 4. inferior 5. proximal Which of these directional terms correctly describes the relationship of the ankle to the knee?
  A) 1,3
  B) 1,3,4
  C) 2,3,4
  D) 3,4
  E) 4,5
Which of these anatomical terms refers to the ankle?
  A) crural
  B) femoral
  C) carpal
  D) pedal
  E) tarsal
Which of these anatomical terms refers to the shoulder?
  A) acromial
  B) brachial
  C) cervical
  D) clavicular
  E) digital
The only plane that can divide the body into equal halves is the
  A) frontal (coronal) plane.
  B) oblique plane.
  C) midsagittal plane.
  D) transverse plane.
  E) Serengeti plane.
A(n) __________ plane divides the body into superior and inferior portions.
  A) frontal (coronal)
  B) oblique
  C) sagittal
  D) transverse
A cut across the long axis of an organ made at other than a right angle is called a(n)
  A) cross section.
  B) transverse section.
  C) oblique section.
  D) longitudinal section.
In which quadrant of the abdomen would stomach pain most likely be felt?
  A) lower left
  B) lower right
  C) upper left
  D) upper right
Which of these structures is NOT found in the mediastinum?
  A) diaphragm
  B) esophagus
  C) heart
  D) thymus gland
  E) trachea
Which of these statements concerning body regions is correct?
  A) The pelvis is located between the thorax and abdomen.
  B) The leg extends from the knee to the ankle.
  C) The arm extends from the shoulder to the wrist.
  D) The trunk can be divided into the thorax and pelvis.
  E) The thorax is often subdivided superficially into four quadrants.
The cavity surrounded by the rib cage and bounded inferiorly by the diaphragm is the
  A) mediastinum.
  B) pericardial cavity.
  C) thorax.
  D) abdomen.
  E) pelvic cavity.
The lungs are separated by the
  A) mediastinum.
  B) mesenteries.
  C) diaphragm.
  D) peritoneal membranes.
  E) pelvic cavity.
Serous membranes
  A) line body cavities that open to the outside.
  B) produce a lubricating film of fluid.
  C) are found only on the walls of the thoracic cavity.
  D) separate the abdominal cavity from the pelvic cavity.
  E) completely cover retroperitoneal organs.
The serous membrane on the surface of the lungs is called
  A) parietal pericardium.
  B) visceral pericardium.
  C) parietal pleura.
  D) visceral pleura.
  E) parietal peritoneum.
Which of these organs is NOT retroperitoneal?
  A) adrenal glands
  B) kidneys
  C) urinary bladder
  D) spleen
  E) pancreas
Given these serous membranes: 1. parietal pericardium 2. visceral pericardium 3. parietal peritoneum 4. visceral peritoneum 5. parietal pleura 6. visceral pleura  
A man had a knife wound that penetrated the abdomen, passed through the stomach, and hit the diaphragm, but did not pass all the way through. Arrange the serous membranes in the correct order as the knife passed through them.
  A) 1,2,4,3,5
  B) 2,3,4,4,3,2
  C) 3,4,4,3
  D) 4,3,3,4,5
  E) 5,6,6,4
You are doing a handstand. Your head is __________ to your neck.
  A) superior
  B) inferior
  C) superficial
  D) medial
  E) proximal

Reference no: EM13990275

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