The reader understand the particular urn of each item

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131089145

How to Write an Annotation

What are annotations and why do I write them?

An annotation is a brief summary of a book, article, or other publication. ha papase is to describe the work in such a way that the reader can decide whether or nor to read the work itself.

A bibliography, of course, is a list of writings and is a standard appendage to scholarly book oe article. An annotated bibliography, in which each item is summarized. is valuable because it helps the reader understand the particular urn of each item. The ideal bibliography discusses the relationship of one item to another.

The following seven points provide guidance for writing an annotation:

I. The authority and the qualifications of the author, unless extremely well known, should be clearly stated. Preferably this is to be done early in the annotation. "John Z. Schmidt, a Russian history professor at Interstate University, based his research on recently discovered documents."

2.   The scope and main purpose of the text must be explained. This is usually done in -three short sentences. For example. "He meals that a few Germans played a key role in The events leading up to the revolution. They provided money, arms, and leadership which helped the revolution get started." Unlike an abstract, which is an abridgment or synopsis, the writer cannot hope to summarize the total content of the work.

3.   The relation of other works, if any, in the field is usually worth noting: "Schmidt's conclusions are radically different from those in Mark Johnson's Why the Red Revolution?"

4.   The major bias or standpoint of the author in relation to his theme should be clarified: "However. Schmidt's case is somewhat weakened by an anti-German bias, which was mentioned by two reviewers."

5.   The audience and the level of reading difficulty should be indicated: "...Schmidt addresses himself to the scholar, but the concluding chapters will be clear to any informed layperson.' Such a comment will serve to warn you (and other college student readers) away from writings which are too elementary or too scholarly.

6.   At this point the annotation might conclude with a summary comment: "This detailed account provides new information that will be of interest to scholars as well as educated adults."

7.   Yet another, and often required way to conclude an annotation is with some sort of reference to the ustfuhtess of the source for your particular project: "This extremely informative resource will be useful when attempting to illustrate the impact that Germans. an earlier unnoted group, had on the Russian revolution."

Example of an annotation based on the 7 points of guidance.

-Schmidt. a Russian history professor at !owl:state University. based his research on recently discovered documents. He reveals that • few Germans played a key role in the events leading up to the revolution. The provided money. arms, and leadership which helped the revolution get started. Schmidt's conclusions are radially different from those in mark Johnson's Why the Red Revolution? However. Schmidt's case is somewhat weakened by an anti-German bias that was mentioned by two reviewers_ Schmidt addresses himself to the scholar, but the concluding chapters will be clear to any informed layperson. This detailed account provides new information that will be of interest to scholars as well as educated adults. Schmidt's article will be extremely useful when attempting to illustrate the impact that Germans, an earlier unnoted group, had on the Russian revolution.

leadership in Professional Contexts


Report Team:


Question I

I tow do you think kadenthip is relevant to communicating in workplace contexts?

Question 2

Before enrolling as an undergraduate student, how would you describe or derme leadership?

ration 3

Based on your experiences as an undergraduate student, how would you describe or dame leadership?

Question 4

Please list 4.5 qualities of a good leader.



Question S

Thanking about the above qualities, please doscabe %vb.:dux and how these qualities emerged in the report project for this course That is, describe how the leader or leaders on your team dernonsoated these qualities. If you did not observe leadership qualities, what other quahties did you observe that impacted the ways you worked as a team?

Question 6

Based or. your pnicitccs interacting with a leader and/or leaders in the repro project for this course, how might Mose experiences =form the way you interact with leaden or even as as a leader yourself on a future MTh, Imqe&

Reference no: EM131089145

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