The purposeful essence of existence

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Reference no: EM13652065

Is the following a grammatical correct paragraph (s) with a clear stated thesis?

The Purposeful Essence of Existence

Aristotle and Marx are both men of action - Those who claim their deeds, not in the direct action of the ontological, but in the meaningful description of such. These are men who have sought to describe truth within bounds that they themselves see fit and necessary to discuss. The particular works involved in this situation, Rhetoric by Aristotle, and the compendium of Marx, seeing form as the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, choose their fields of study carefully, and see, in the plain comparison of topic, stark differences.

Whereas the Manuscripts tend to focus on a tangible aspect of the human mind, that of the ontological importance of physical objects, through which could be viewed from many different aspects of truth, but for our purposes will be taken as the physical manifestations of man's desires, with the world of finance and trade, the economic world in which Marx so deeply rooted himself in, with the startling class divergence and discrepancy of his time and place in the world, Aristotle takes, as should be deemed appropriate for an early thinking man of his time and place, issues fundamentally deeper, on the outset, as the outwardly simplistic natural values of truth in this world - The Rhetoric follows a path of description of what can be seen as the counterpoint to the dialectic form of thought. As Aristotle claims, dealing as he does with in the Rhetoric with the rules of laws and custom, men will tend to make equal use of rhetoric and dialectic for their own purposes, in order to see themselves through the intellectual aspects of life's proceedings. The Rhetoric, to some degree, forces explanation upon the works of Marx

- The Aristotelian description of the Rhetoric, a mode of persuasion, if used as such, that can, as Aristotelian thought, by its very nature, testifies, exists as an orderly, and ancient art, that Marx seemingly deploys through the Manuscripts to claim his points as valid.

Reference no: EM13652065

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