The purpose of this project is to develop an application

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13997031


The purpose of this project is to develop an application for the geologists of the petroleum industry. The platform for the application will be a new technological advancement which is Microsoft Surface 2.0 multi-touch tabletop technology.

As being observed, experts of geology have to deal with huge materials which include maps, images and text data in their daily work routines. Working with huge pieces of paper is uncomfortable and wasteful. Thus author decided to implement the tabletop technology in the work of geology experts.

Microsoft Surface Tabletop technology lets multiple numbers of users to interact with a computer using natural movements and gestures of their fingers and hands to interact with objects on the screen simultaneously.

The application to be developed will ease the job of geologists while working with large data like maps, images, text files and others. 

Reference no: EM13997031

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