The purpose of the program is to prepare an accounting

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13347694

The "purpose" of the program is to prepare an accounting (database) for e.g. a dorm's kitchen, to keep track of the consumption of beer for each room.

First of all, the whole structure of the program needs to be changed more or less. Though, a big part of the code can be reused and therefore mostly only changed.

The program shall have the following functions. These functions are more or less the same as the existing functions in the included code, though the functions-name are a bit different.

1*"OpretBeboere" which means "CreateResident": data-input is room-number, name on resident and beer-consumption

2*"UdskrivBeboere" which means "PrintResidents": Output (print) is a list including room-number, name on resident and beer-consumption

3*"Betalingsoversigt" which means "PaymentHistory": Output (print) is a list including room-number, name on resident, beer-consumtion and beer-debt (price*beer-consumption)

4*"SoegEfterVaerelse" which means "SearchForRoom": Input is room-number and output (print) is name and beer-consumption

5*"FindMinMaks" which means "FindMinimumMaximum": Output (print) is room-number, name of resident and beer-concumption for the residents with the highest and lowest beer-consumption. If there are many residents with equal number of highest and lowest beer-consumption, then these shall also be printed.


*The function 1 CreateResident shall check if the room-number is already created, if so, then the function must print a text saying that the roomnumber already exist, and then ask to try again.

Then the program shall be extended to include three more functions:

6* SortByRoomnumber: The created list shall be sorted by room-number

7* SortByBeerConsumption: The created list shall be sorted by beer-consumption

8* SearchForResident: Input data shall be name on resident and output (print) shall be room-number and beer-consumption

Reference no: EM13347694

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