The proposed cyber security act

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13757035

1. Review the May 2011 Cyber Security Legislative Proposal, the proposed Cyber Security Act of 2012, Executive Order (EO) 13636 Improving Critical Infrastructure Cyber security, and Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 21 Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience.

2. Review the selected organization's information security program and program evaluation reports.

3. Select three to five points of analysis from the resources listed in item 1 above. Your points of analysis must be specific items from the legislative proposals, the EO, or the PPD.

4. Research the impacts of the points of analysis on the selected organization's information security program.

5. Write your research paper. At a minimum, the paper should include

1. an Introduction that includes the purpose of your paper, describes your selected organization, and introduces your points of analysis.

2. a Points of Analysis section that describes your points and explains why you selected each point of analysis

3. an Analysis/Research section associated with each point of analysis explaining how the selected point of analysis will impact your selected organization's security program (be specific)

4. a Conclusion that summarizes the purpose of your paper and describes the key take away from each point of analysis.

Reference no: EM13757035

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