The program calls a function called getgrades

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13168519

  • Write a program that prompts a user for their grades, finds the average and prints out a letter grade.
  • The program calls a function called GetGrades that will read in grades from the keyboard, the number of grades should also be input by the user.
  • GetGrades will find the sum of those grades and pass the sum and number of grades to another function called FindAverage.
  • FindAverage will find the average of the grades and return this average to GetGrades.
  • GetGrades will return this average to main.
  • The main function will then determine the letter grade of that average based on a 10-point scale and print out this grade.
  • 90-100 A
  • 80-89 B
  • 70-79 C
  • 60-69 D
  • 0-59 F


Reference no: EM13168519

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