The process of enculturation

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Reference no: EM133458462


The process of enculturation by which individuals gradualy "discover" and recreate their culture assisted by cues and instruction from the social enviroment is.

Reference no: EM133458462

Questions Cloud

How colonialism created underdevelopment and poverty : Bangladesh exemplifies how colonialism created underdevelopment and poverty.
Discuss use of both past and contemporary slang terms : Compare and discuss the use of both past and contemporary slang terms. Try to find terms that have similar meaning throughout history.
Anthropology in socio-historical perspective : Discuss the origins and development of anthropology in the socio-historical perspective.
Still thinking about economy of chocolate : Still thinking about the economy of chocolate. Is this kind of production sustainable? Do you really have a choice in U.S. culture to NOT consume?
The process of enculturation : The process of enculturation by which individuals gradualy discover and recreate their culture assisted by cues and instruction from the social enviroment is.
Anatomically modern humans and archaic humans : How have more recent DNA studies indicated some interbreeding between anatomically modern humans and archaic humans?
What is difference between religion and witchcraft : What is the difference between religion and witchcraft? Describe how witchcraft affected the style of life and world views of the Azande.
How civilize way of life influenced growth of social classes : Describe how a civilize way of life influenced the growth of social classes, epidemic diseases, politics, military, weapons, and warfare.
Explain adaptive success of bipedal locomotion : Describe in detail three theories aiming to explain the adaptive success of bipedal locomotion.


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