Reference no: EM13848595
The popularity of the Balanced Scorecard could be seen as a reflection of its value in strategic control and performance management. However, others might argue that it has become somewhat hegemonic and that, as noted by Leung, Lam & Cao (2006) this could result in inappropriate adoption. I've also included references to two short papers on the need to take care, for different reasons, when seeking to apply the Balanced Scorecard.
I particularly liked the use of examples from your professional experience in this post.
Please feel free to share your own professional experience of performance management systems. You may also want to reflect on the results of the survey on the use of the Balanced Scorecard and, in a wider sense, the relative importance of non-financial measures. Please feel free to share your thoughts!
Leung, L., Lam, K. & Cao, D. (2006) Implementing the balanced scorecard using the analytic hierarchy process and the analytic network process, The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 57 (6), pp. 682-691.
Additional resources on the Balanced Scorecard:
Landry, S.P., Chan, W. & Jalbert, T. (2002) The Balanced Scorecard for multinationals, The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, Sep/Oct, pp. 31-40.
Steele, N, Branson, L, & Chung-Hsien, S (2012), 'Counterbalancing the scorecard: Differential use of balanced score card and stereotype information on performance evaluation and bonus allocation', International Journal Of Business, Marketing, & Decision Science, 5, 1, pp. 110-120
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