The perfect location in another country

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1328003

You are faced with the need to expand, and you have found the perfect location in another country. It is easily accessible from both water and land and already has T3 communication lines installed. Locating to this site will save you millions of dollars. The only problem is that the president of the country wants a private donation of $1 million. As the leader of your company, what would you do? Explain in detail.

Reference no: EM1328003

Questions Cloud

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The perfect location in another country : You are faced with the need to expand, and you have found the perfect location in another country. It is easily accessible from both water and land and already has T3 communication lines installed.
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Non-discriminatory work environment : How do policies help to assure a non-discriminatory work environment?
Explain the role of purchasing and supply management : Explain the role of Purchasing and Supply Management in the development of supply chain strategy for a manufacturing organization?


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