Reference no: EM131505854
The Paleolithic period, also known as the Old Stone Age, developed in the early B.C.E. Many of their art pieces were discovered in caves. As you can see, in Example 1.3, "Lion Panel", founded in the Chauvet cave of Ardeche Valley, France (Getlen, pg.5), the cave had engraved paintings of several different animals.
This exemplified their act of hunting and survival. Neolithic people were considered hunters and gatherers. In the Neolithic period, or the New Stone Age, the development of agricultural and hunting tools had emerged. For instance, in the cave painting, "Women and Cattle", you can see the see that other than animals, people were painted as well (Getlen, pg. 319).
According to Getlen, Art survives in preserved areas, such as caves and/or areas with high humidity. This is seen in cave paintings. For instance, in the Paleolithic cave painting 14.1, "Horse and Geometrical Symbol", we see that its color and outline is still visible, thus showing that dry areas preserved the artwork.
Also in the Neolithic example, "Women and Cattle", we see that the details are still prominent (Getlen, Pg. 319). However, sculptures might not survive, due to seasonal changes and the aging process, these artifacts will wear down and loose its detail. My opinion of culture is slightly altered for the mere idea of value.
If seasonal changes and aging processes were taken into consideration for how or where there was made, then the cave paintings had more importance than their statues and sculptures. Therefore, the paintings that were found in the cave served with more value than any other piece of artwork.
Getlein, Mark. Living With Art. 9th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2010. Print.