The online world compared to face-to-face interactions

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132126968


Erving Goffman coined the term “impression management” to refer to the process whereby we alter our presentation of the self in order to satisfy specific audiences.

Consider your own experiences with impression management in your professional and personal life.

1. In what face-to-face situations have you managed your image to influence the opinions of others? Describe your motives for managing your impression and the outcome of your efforts.

2. Some studies indicate impression management plays a critical role in strategic self-presentation online. Describe examples you’ve used to handle impression management in online settings including social and professional networks.

3. How does impression management differ in the online world compared to face-to-face interactions? (minimum 500 words)

Reference no: EM132126968

Questions Cloud

What are the procedural law steps from the time person : What are the procedural law steps from the time a person is arrested until they are sentenced.
Communication areas that performance management system : What are the three primary communication areas that a performance management system (PMS) should address?
Value adding-business value adding and non-value adding : Identify the steps in the process and classify them in value adding, business value adding and non-value adding.
Describe what sustainability means for the supply chain : Describe what sustainability means for the supply chain. What are the responsibilities of a prosecutor in the criminal justice system
The online world compared to face-to-face interactions : How does impression management differ in the online world compared to face-to-face interactions?
Define social media and social media information systems : Define social media and social media information systems. Inventory Management is one of the most important decisions in operations/supply chain.
Functionalist theorist argue is most important : Which amendment would a functionalist theorist argue is most important?
Difference competitive moves are commonly used by firms : What difference competitive moves are commonly used by firms?
What you understand by the term business process : Explain briefly what you understand by the term ‘business process’.


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