Reference no: EM131108233
1. (EPS with Convertible Bonds) On June 1, 2009, Bluhm Company and Amanar Company merged to form Davenport Inc. A total of 800,000 shares were issued to complete the merger. The new corporation reports on a calendar-year basis. On April 1, 2011, the company issued an additional 600,000 shares of stock for cash. All 1,400,000 shares were outstanding on December 31, 2011. Davenport Inc. also issued $600,000 of 20-year, 8% convertible bonds at par on July 1, 2011. Each $1,000 bond converts to 40 shares of common at any interest date. None of the bonds have been converted to date. Davenport Inc. is preparing its annual report for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2011. The annual report will show earnings per share figures based upon a reported after-tax net income of $1,540,000. (The tax rate is 40%)
Determine the following for 2011.
(a) The number of shares to be used for calculating:
(1) Basic earnings per share.
(2) Diluted earnings per share.
(b) The earnings figures to be used for calculating:
(1) Basic earnings per share.
(2) Diluted earnings per share.(CMA adapted)
Prepare a schedule to compute both basic and diluted earning
: Discuss how the schedule would differ if the security was convertible preferred stock.
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World class operations management method
: Decision trees are another important if challenging world-class operations management method which operations managers should understand and with which other managers should be familiar
The number of shares to be used for calculating
: (EPS with Convertible Bonds) On June 1, 2009, Bluhm Company and Amanar Company merged to form Davenport Inc. A total of 800,000 shares were issued to complete the merger.
Calculate the npv of each project
: Calculate the NPV of each project, and assess its acceptability. Calculate the IRR for each project, and assess its acceptability. Draw the NPV profiles for both projects on the same set of axes.
Compute diluted earnings per share for 2011
: (EPS with Convertible Bonds, Various Situations) In 2010 Buraka Enterprises issued, at par, 75 $1,000, 8% bonds, each convertible into 100 shares of common stock.
Calculate the payback period for the proposed investment
: Calculate the payback period for the proposed investment. Calculate the net present value (NPV) for the proposed investment. Calculate the internal rate of return (IRR), rounded to the nearest whole percent, for the proposed investment. Evaluate the ..
Calculate the payback period for each project
: Calculate the payback period for each project. Calculate the NPV of each project at 0%. Calculate the NPV of each project at 9%.