The most dangerous form of skin cancer

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Reference no: EM13194617

1. The most dangerous form of skin cancer is 
a. melanoma. 
b. squamous cell carcinoma. 
c. basal cell carcinoma. 
d. actinic keratosis. 

2. The most common treatment for skin cancer is 
a. chemotherapy. 
b. radiation therapy. 
c. surgical removal. 
d. immunotherapy. 

3. When the heart contracts, called _____, blood pressure _____; when the heart relaxes, called _____, blood pressure _____. 
a. diastole, increases, systole, decreases 
b. diastole, decreases, systole, increases 
c. systole, increases, diastole, decreases 
d. systole, decreases, diastole, increases 

4. C-reactive protein is released into the bloodstream in response to 
a. free radicals. 
b. antioxidants. 
c. inflammation. 
d. phytochemicals. 

5. The two upper chambers of the heart in which blood collects before passing to the lower chambers are called 
a. ventricles. 
b. atria. 
c. septum. 
d. valves. 

6. Sudden cardiac death most often occurs because of 
a. low blood pressure. 
b. blocked cerebral arteries. 
c. arrhythmia. 
d. coronary thrombosis. 

7. The portion of the circulation governed by the right side of the heart is the _______________ circulation. 
a. systemic 
b. pulmonary 
c. cerebral 
d. extremity 

8. When a coronary artery becomes blocked, the result is 
a. a heart attack. 
b. angina. 
c. arrhythmia. 
d. an obstructive embolism. 

9. When cancer cells enter the lymph or blood system, 
a. it is easy to stop their spread to other organs. 
b. they can form secondary tumors elsewhere. 
c. they are known as benign tumors. 
d. the probability of cure increases. 

10. When there are no symptoms or other evidence of previously diagnosed disease, a cancer patient is said to 
a. have metastasis. 
b. be in remission. 
c. be in an immune state. 
d. have a benign tumor. 

11. Prostate cancer is 
a. the second leading cause of cancer death in men. 
b. the most common cancer in males. 
c. influenced by diet and lifestyle. 
d. All of these choices are correct 

12. Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy is recommended to screen for ____________ cancer. 
a. colon and rectal 
b. uterine 
c. throat 
d. lung 

13. Which of the following is associated with metabolic syndrome? 
a. high HDL 
b. insulin resistance 
c. low blood pressure 
d. low triglycerides 

14. Symptoms of a myocardial infarction include 
a. headache. 
b. low back pain. 
c. sore throat. 
d. difficulty breathing. 

15. If an artery in a limb becomes blocked, it causes 
a. heart attack. 
b. stroke. 
c. peripheral arterial disease. 
d. arthritis. 

16. The form of cholesterol that draws cholesterol out of the walls of the arteries and returns it to the liver for recycling is 
a. HDL. 
b. VLDL. 
c. LDL. 
d. triglyceride.

17. Cancers arising from connective and fibrous tissues such as bone, cartilage, or muscle are called 
a. carcinomas. 
b. sarcomas. 
c. lymphomas. 
d. leukemias. 

18. Diabetics also have higher rates of 
a. hypertension. 
b. obesity. 
c. atherosclerosis. 
d. heart attacks. 
e. all of the above. 

19. The large artery that receives blood from the left ventricle and distributes it to the rest of the body is called the 
a. aorta. 
b. vena cava. 
c. pulmonary artery. 
d. pulmonary vein. 

20. A hemorrhagic stroke may occur as a result of 
a. a thrombosis. 
b. an embolus. 
c. an aneurysm. 
d. low platelet levels. 

21. A wandering clot that causes a stroke is called a(n) 
a. vascular accident. 
b. thrombosis. 
c. embolus. 
d. hemorrhage. 

22. Cardiovascular disease in children is usually the result of 
a. childhood obesity. 
b. congestive heart failure. 
c. rheumatic heart disease. 
d. congenital heart defect.

23. Most deaths from heart attacks occur within ___________ from the onset of symptoms. 
a. 30 minutes 
b. 1 hour 
c. 2 hours 
d. 3 hours 

24. Angina pectoris is caused by 
a. the complete blockage of a coronary artery. 
b. a disruption of the electrical system of the heart. 
c. a need for oxygen in the heart that exceeds supply. 
d. sustained high blood pressure. 

25. The most common cause of sudden death among athletes younger than 35 is 
a. myocardial infarction. 
b. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 
c. stroke. 
d. aneurysm. 

26. People with no CVD risk factors should have their blood pressure measured by a professional 
a. once a month. 
b. once a year. 
c. once every 2 years. 
d. once every 5 years. 

27. Diastole is the 
a. contraction of the heart. 
b. relaxation of the heart. 
c. main valve in the heart. 
d. largest vein in the body. 

28. Congestive heart failure is 
a. sustained abnormally high blood pressure. 
b. thickening of artery walls by deposits of fatty substances. 
c. a condition caused by the heart's inability to maintain its regular pumping force. 
d. severe chest pain caused by insufficient blood supply to the heart. 

29. Systole is the 
a. normal pause between heartbeats. 
b. normal rhythm of the heart. 
c. contraction of the heart. 
d. relaxation of the heart. 

30. Consuming aspirin on a regular basis reduces the risk of 
a. gastrointestinal bleeding. 
b. ulcers. 
c. platelets forming clots. 
d. hemorrhagic stroke. 

31. Lymphoma is cancer of the lymph nodes, part of the body's 
a. blood-forming cells. 
b. gastrointestinal tract. 
c. connective and fibrous tissues. 
d. infection-fighting system. 

32. A test that uses a computer to construct a picture of the brain using X-ray images is 
a. an angiogram. 
b. radionuclide imaging. 
c. a CT scan. 
d. an MRI scan. 

33. Atherosclerosis is 
a. sustained, abnormally high blood pressure. 
b. a condition resulting from the heart's inability to maintain its regular pumping force. 
c. the thickening of artery walls by deposits of fatty substances. 
d. severe chest pain caused by insufficient blood supply to the heart. 

34. Which of the following statements regarding testicle self-examination is FALSE? 
a. It is best performed following a bath or shower. 
b. It should be done monthly. 
c. It should be performed using a gentle rolling motion. 
d. It is recommended only if the man is sexually active.

35. A blood pressure reading of 121/81 is classified as 
a. normal. 
b. prehypertension. 
c. stage 1 hypertension. 
d. stage 2 hypertension. 

36. The most common symptom associated with angina is 
a. tightness or pressure in the chest. 
b. nausea. 
c. pain or numbness in the shoulder or in the arm. 
d. shortness of breath. 

37. The American Cancer Society recommends routine use of mammography to detect breast cancer for women over age 
a. 20. 
b. 30. 
c. 40. 
d. 50. 

38. The left side of the heart pumps blood in the _______________ circulation. 
a. pulmonary 
b. systemic 
c. cerebral 
d. coronary 

39. The National Cholesterol Education Program recommends that all adults, beginning at age 20, have their lipoproteins measured at least once every 
a. year. 
b. 2 years. 
c. 4 years. 
d. 5 years. 

40. Chest pain caused by lack of oxygen to the heart is called 
a. thrombosis. 
b. infarction. 
c. hypertension. 
d. angina. 

41. Techniques for early detection of prostate cancer include a digital rectal exam and 
a. ultrasound. 
b. surgery. 
c. a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test. 
d. a CAT scan. 

42. Which of the following is a noninvasive test that evaluates CVD by using sound waves to examine the heart? 
a. electron-beam computed tomography 
b. magnetic resonance imaging 
c. echocardiography 
d. angioplasty 

43. What is the number-one killer of American women? 
a. breast cancer 
b. ovarian cancer 
c. heart disease 
d. stroke 

44. The most common form of cancer is 
a. carcinoma. 
b. melanoma. 
c. sarcoma. 
d. lymphoma. 

45. The most common congenital heart defect in children is 
a. coarctation of the vena cava. 
b. holes in the wall that divides the ventricles or atria. 
c. transposition of the aorta and pulmonary artery. 
d. underdeveloped left side of the heart. 

46. Blood cell fragments that are necessary for the clotting of blood are called 
a. platelets. 
b. erythrocytes. 
c. leukocytes. 
d. macrophages. 

47. A tumor that is NOT cancerous is called 
a. melanoma. 
b. benign. 
c. metastatic. 
d. malignant. 

48. Cancer of the lining of the uterus is called ____________ cancer. 
a. ovarian 
b. endometrial 
c. myeloma 
d. cervical 

49. The type of stroke that is caused by a rupture of blood vessels is called 
a. ischemic. 
b. embolic. 
c. thrombotic. 
d. hemorrhagic. 

50. The small blood vessels that connect the arteries and veins are the 
a. venules. 
b. arterioles. 
c. capillaries. 
d. vascules. 

51. Which of the following is a good source of fiber in the diet? 
a. pork chops 
b. salmon 
c. egg whites 
d. kidney beans 

52. What is thought to be the closest thing we have to a magic bullet against heart disease? 
a. red wine 
b. weight loss 
c. exercise 
d. aspirin 

53. How many chambers does the heart contain? 
a. two 
b. three 
c. four 
d. six 

54. Damage to the heart muscle because of lack of blood supply is called 
a. myocardial infarction. 
b. angina pectoris. 
c. ischemia. 
d. cardiac arrest. 

55. The recommended level of HDL cholesterol for adults is 
a. less than 200 mg/dl. 
b. less than 100 mg/dl. 
c. less than 40 mg/dl. 
d. 60 mg/dl or more. 

56. A desirable level of total cholesterol for adults is less than _______________ mg/deciliter. 
a. 240 
b. 225 
c. 200 
d. 100 

57. An arrhythmia is 
a. an irregular heartbeat. 
b. a ruptured blood vessel. 
c. a blood clot found near the heart. 
d. another name for high blood pressure. 

58. The arteries that branch from the aorta and provide blood to the heart muscle itself are _______________ arteries. 
a. pulmonary 
b. systemic 
c. coronary 
d. femoral 

59. Naturally occurring substances found in plant foods that help prevent chronic diseases are 
a. nitrosamines. 
b. anticarcinogens. 
c. phytochemicals. 
d. free radicals. 

60. The recommended level of LDL cholesterol for adults is 
a. less than 200 mg/dl. 
b. less than 100 mg/dl. 
c. less than 40 mg/dl. 
d. 60 mg/dl or more. 

61. Melissa uses a sunscreen with an SPF rating of 20, which means that 
a. she can stay in the sun for 20 minutes without getting tanned or burned. 
b. she can stay in the sun 20 times longer without getting burned than if she didn't use it. 
c. she is protected from the full range of ultraviolet radiation. 
d. her sunscreen contains 20 different ingredients to block ultraviolet radiation. 

62. Which of the following combinations would place someone at greatest risk for cardiovascular disease? 
a. low HDL and low LDL 
b. high HDL and high LDL 
c. low HDL and high LDL 
d. high HDL and low LDL 

63. A malignant tumor is different from a benign tumor in that a malignant tumor is 
a. less of a threat to the patient. 
b. capable of invading surrounding structures. 
c. dangerous only if its physical presence interferes with bodily functions. 
d. enclosed in a membrane. 

64. Which of the following is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids? 
a. pork chops 
b. salmon 
c. egg whites 
d. kidney beans

65. Leukemia is cancer of the 
a. gastrointestinal tract. 
b. lymph nodes. 
c. urinary tract. 
d. blood-forming cells. 

66. The cutoff point for blood pressure at or above which an adult is diagnosed with hypertension is 
a. 120/80. 
b. 130/80. 
c. 140/90. 
d. 150/90. 

67. Exercise alters blood fat levels by 
a. raising LDL levels. 
b. raising triglyceride levels. 
c. raising HDL levels. 
d. lowering HDL levels. 

68. The largest artery in the body is the 
a. carotid. 
b. atria. 
c. aorta. 
d. coronary. 

69. The form of cholesterol that carries cholesterol out from the liver to other parts of the body and leads to cholesterol deposits on the artery walls is 
a. HDL. 
b. VLDL. 
c. LDL. 
d. triglyceride. 

70. A cerebrovascular accident is another name for a 
a. cerebral thrombosis. 
b. stroke. 
c. cerebral hematoma. 
d. ruptured blood vessel. 

Reference no: EM13194617

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