The most common type of anxiety disorder

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133522741


1. Caring for a bariatric patient is more time-consuming than caring for most other medical or surgical patients.
a. True
b. False
2. Patients usually know about impending death even if they have not been told.
a. True
b. False
3. The microwave is useful because it heats waterless bathing products evenly.
a. True
b. False
4. Obesity is a condition of being overweight by 15 to 25 percent of the ideal body weight.
a. True
b. False
5. Staff members do not go through the grieving process.
a. True
b. False
6. Heat and cold applications are used only on written order, and always for a prescribed length of time.
a. True
b. False
7. Malnutrition cannot develop in obese persons because they have additional fat stores.
a. True
b. False
8. Some patients are so large that they cannot care for their own personal hygiene.
a. True
b. False
9. Illness decreases a patient's need for insulin.
a. True
b. False
10. If you are unfamiliar with the type of bed being used for the patient, do not try to operate it.
a. True
b. False
11. Never use an electric heating pad with moist dressings.
a. True
b. False
12. As a rule, foods that come from animals are naturally lower in fat than foods from plants.
b. False
13. Open and prepare the unit as soon as the new patient arrives on the unit.
b. False
14. The semi-Fowler's position is frequently used for abdominal examinations.
b. False
15. Bathing causes some patients with Alzheimer's disease to become very upset.
b. False
16. Change gloves before contact with mucous membranes or nonintact skin.
b. False
17. Physical illness may be preceded by stressful life situations.
b. False
18. A physician's order is needed to use a trochanter roll.
b. False
19. Never place a bedpan on the nightstand or overbed table.
b. False
20. An ice bag should be filled three-quarters full.
b. False
21. Obese patients who are able to move themselves tend to shift and use their body weight to aid in movement.
b. False
22. You should avoid shaking soiled linen.
b. False
23. After death, all body processes stop immediately.
b. False
24. The physician's permission is required for the patient to take a tub bath or shower.
b. False
25. It is unnecessary to use standard precautions when admitting a patient with a heart condition.
b. False
26. If a patient becomes faint in the bathtub, drain the water.
b. False
27. Personal protective equipment is not necessary during the bedmaking procedure.
b. False
28. Heat and cold applications should not be used for patients with peripheral vascular disease.
b. False
29. Alcoholics are frequently manipulative.
b. False
30. It is not necessary to familiarize family members with facility routines and services as long as the patient has been informed.
b. False
31. Patients who have surgery secrete less mucus than usual.
b. False
32. Most obese individuals have normal marital and personal relationships.
b. False
33. If an African American patient did not bring shampoo to the hospital, wash her hair with baby shampoo.
b. False
34. After receiving spinal anesthesia, the patient may not be able to move her legs for a period of time.
b. False
35. Pureed foods should be watery when served.
b. False
36. It is acceptable to place the bedpan on the bedside chair if a protective pad covers the chair.
b. False
37. When a patient is bathing in the bathroom, the door should always be locked for privacy.
b. False
38. Behavior that is rewarded is usually repeated.
b. False
39. The patient's identification band should be checked before he is transported to surgery.
b. False
40. Residents in long-term care facilities may use their own bedspreads and pillows.
b. False
41. You must have a physician's order to shave female patients and patients who are receiving oxygen.
b. False
42. Application of heat reduces edema.
b. False
43. Family members must make emotional and personal adjustments when a loved one is hospitalized.
b. False
44. Before passing drinking water, find out which patients are not allowed to have ice water.
b. False
45. The temperature of the water in the whirlpool tub is regulated to a constant 105 degrees F.
b. False
46. When a postsurgical patient sits up with his or her legs over the edge of the bed, it is called dangling.
b. False
47. The whirlpool must be properly cleaned after use because the jets have the potential to harbor dangerous pathogens.
b. False
48. After making the surgical bed, place an emesis basin and tissues next to the bed.
b. False
49. The patient may be left alone to wash the genital area.
b. False
50. Schizoaffective disorder is a condition that develops when a person is recovering from schizophrenia.
b. False
51. Modify your behavior in response to the patient's behavior.
b. False
52. Soaking dentures in solution eliminates the need for brushing.
b. False
53. Your personal feelings about dying influence your ability to care for the dying patient.
b. False
54. Enabling moves the patient toward independence and good mental health.
b. False
55. Ask family members and friends to leave the room while you are performing admission procedures.
b. False
56. When transferring a patient to another unit, escort him to the nurses' station in a wheelchair, then return to your unit.
b. False
57. Poultry is an example of an incomplete protein.
b. False
58. The patient's head should not contact the aquathermia blanket directly..
b. False
59. When brushing a patient's teeth, brush the front surfaces only.
b. False
60. Ask the patient if she is having pain each time you check the postoperative vital signs.
b. False

61. A regular diet consists of food that is

a. mostly raw and unprocessed.

b. very high in fat.

c. selected from all food groups.

d. easily digestible and does not cause gas.

62. Hospices provide

a. supportive care to the patient and family.

b. care to patients who are expected to live longer than six months.

c. physical care only.

d. spiritual care only.

63. Which position is commonly used for a head and neck examination of a patient who is in bed?

a. Trendelenburg

b. Sims'

c. Semi-Fowler's

d. Prone

64. When recording fluid output, you should write down the total amount of output from

a. urine only.

b. emesis only.

c. loose stool only.

d. urine, emesis, loose stool, and wound drainage.

65. An elderly patient who has hypothermia is at greater risk for

a. sepsis.

b. seizure.

c. acute edema.

d. deep vein thrombosis.

66. An advance directive should be signed when

a. the family is ready.

b. death appears imminent.

c. an attorney is present.

d. the patient is mentally alert.

67. What is the term for a condition that occurs when a rectal temperature is 104°F or above?

a. Cyanosis.

b. Hyperpyrexia.

c. Vasoconstriction.

d. Vasodilation.

68. Frank Sanchez, an 81-year-old with congestive heart failure, has been admitted to room 332A. You are assigned to complete the admission procedure. You enter the room and introduce yourself. How should you address the patient?

a. Mr. Sanchez

b. Frank

c. Sanchez

d. Honey

69. Ideally, AM care should be provided to the patient

a. before lunch.

b. before breakfast.

c. after breakfast.

d. before awakening.

70. A long-term care resident with dementia would most likely find which of the following baths least upsetting?

a. Shower bath

b. Tub bath

c. Towel bath

d. Whirlpool bath

71. A careful evaluation of problems that have the potential for causing harm to a patient is called a(n) _________ assessment.

a. injury

b. risk

c. baseline

d. transfer

72. Which of the following is in a clear liquid diet?

a. Sherbet

b. Yogurt

c. Broth

d. Milk

73. Mourning before someone dies is called

a. anticipatory grief.

b. shock and disbelief.

c. denial.

d. no DNR.

74. After the patient returns from surgery, you should take the vital signs

a. immediately, then every 5 minutes thereafter.

b. immediately, then every 15 minutes for an hour or until stable.

c. immediately, then every 30 minutes for 2 hours.

d. hourly for the remainder of the shift.

75. When emptying a patient's bedpan, you should

a. rinse the bedpan with hot water and dry promptly.

b. routinely measure the amount of urine.

c. dump its contents and then tell the nurse if you noticed blood.

d. cover the bedpan before carrying it.

76. An autopsy would least likely be performed on a patient who practiced which of the following religions?

a. Roman Catholic

b. Church of Christ

c. Hinduism

d. Christian Scientist

77. A dying patient confides to the nursing assistant that she "just can't face another day." The best response would be,

a. "Cheer up; the sun is out today."

b. "You said that yesterday, and you're still here."

c. "Would you like to tell me about it?"

d. "What would you like for breakfast?"

78. You are caring for a patient who is dying. You know that

a. the patient will be unconscious at the end of life.

b. hearing is the last sense to be lost.

c. the pupils will become very small.

d. a dying person cannot feel physical or emotional pain.

79. The best way for a nursing assistant to demonstrate care for a dying patient is to

a. share his or her beliefs about life after death.

b. use active listening.

c. leave the patient alone with his or her thoughts.

d. reassure the patient that things will turn out fine.

80. When assisting with care of the preoperative patient, you should

a. perform your work calmly and efficiently.

b. take the vital signs every 15 minutes.

c. assume that the patient will perform self-care.

d. encourage the patient to cough and take deep breaths.

81. You can expect a patient with which diagnosis to be on a sodium-restricted diet?

a. Diabetes

b. Renal failure

c. Cancer

d. Hepatitis

82. Heat affects the body by

a. causing vasoconstriction.

b. reducing edema.

c. reducing oxygen to body cells.

d. causing vasodilation.

83. The most common type of anxiety disorder is

a. panic disorder.

b. phobia.

c. generalized anxiety.

d. posttraumatic stress disorder.

84. A DNR order means that

a. you should not disturb the patient for any reason.

b. the patient should not be given food or fluids.

c. CPR should not be started in the event of cardiac arrest.

d. the patient will be donating his organs for transplant.

85. Which patient position is commonly used for a pelvic examination?

a. Semi-Fowler's

b. Trendelenburg

c. Prone

d. Dorsal lithotomy

86. A discharge order must be written by the

a. nurse.

b. physician.

c. discharge coordinator.

d. staff supervisor.

87. Heat should not be applied to a patient's

a. abdomen.

b. back.

c. leg.

d. wrist.

88. It is helpful to use which position when turning and moving a bariatric patient up in bed?

a. Modified Trendelenburg position

b. Sims' position

c. High Fowler's position

d. Dorsal recumbent position

89. Which of the following statements about a low air loss bed is correct?

a. It is possible to perform CPR on a patient who is in a low air loss bed.

b. Set a low air loss bed based on the patient's height.

c. Low air loss beds are frequently used for patients with serious skin conditions.

d. Use a low air loss bed for patients with lung conditions.

90. When a patient moves from one stage of the grieving process to another, you know that he

a. is finally moving toward accepting the prognosis.

b. may return to a former stage of the process.

c. will be in the same stage as family members.

Option 5

Option 6

d. will accept his own mortality before he dies.

91. A sitz bath is intended for immersion of the

a. entire body.

b. feet.

c. arms or legs.

d. perineal area.

92. When a patient's family members express anger toward hospital staff during the admission process, the cause of their anger is usually a result of

a. feeling a loss of control.

b. guilt at leaving their family member.

c. poor treatment by hospital staff.

d. concern about health care costs.

93. When you fill an ice bag, put in enough ice to make the bag

a. full to the top.

b. half full.

c. one-quarter full.

d. three-quarters full.

94. One staff person should never lift or move more than ________ of body weight without extra help or a mechanical device.

a. 15 pounds

b. 35 pounds

c. 50 pounds

d. 75 pounds

95. When transferring a patient to another unit, you can expect the patient to be

a. anxious.

b. excited.

c. belligerent.

d. demanding.

96. A patient who is having a cold treatment starts to shiver. You know that this is a(n)

a. indication that inflammation is decreasing.

b. expected response to a cold treatment.

c. reason to stop the treatment.

d. local reaction to the treatment.

97. When caring for a patient who receives tube feeding, you should

a. elevate the head while the feeding is infusing.

b. hang the formula when the bag is empty.

c. insert the tube prior to feeding the patient.

d. position the patient in the Sims' position.

98. When recording fluid intake, you should write down

a. only the fluid given in the patient's room.

b. only the fluid that the nurse gives with medicine.

c. only the fluid that comes on the dietary tray.

d. all fluid the patient consumes during your shift.

99. You should empty the bedside commode

a. into the sink.

b. each time the patient uses it.

c. at the end of the shift.

d. once a day.

100. A sitz bath would be most appropriate for a patient following

a. knee surgery.

b. childbirth.

c. amputation.

d. wound irrigation.

Reference no: EM133522741

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