The moral foundations of political legitimacy

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Reference no: EM132013042

The course project requires you to research and write an analytical paper comparing and contrasting the political views of two philosophers on one of the following areas:

Human Conflict - the nature and causes thereof.

The best or best possible cooperative social arrangements, capable of resolving or diminishing society's common problems.

The moral foundations of political legitimacy (what is the good state).

Who should govern - one, few, or many?

Within your paper discuss how the views of your two chosen philosophers on the one chosen political issue relate to that same political issue today.

Share your own well-supported views on the matter in a conclusion.


Your paper should be 6-8 full pages in length, plus a cover page and a References Page.

Choose from philosophers you have been studying in this course. One example: compare and contrast the views of Plato and Karl Marx on who should govern. If you want to choose a philosopher not covered in the course, check first with your faculty member.

As you write, keep the following in mind:

Use clear, concise, complete sentences, transitions between paragraphs, standard spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Include at least six citations from different research sources. At least three should come from your college's online library. Other options include reliable, collegiate level sources on the Internet and your own local library.

Follow APA format for citing your research sources. For APA guidelines, go to your college's online library which you can access through the Resources tab.

Reference no: EM132013042

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