The minimum conception of morality

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Reference no: EM13194179

One of the ideas often (conveniently) found in Mill's Utilitarian Ethics as we discussed last week is the EVERYBODY's concerns count EQUALLY in Utilitarianism and in what ethicist John Rawls called "The Minimum Conception of Morality."

Yes, very precisely it means that 20th Century corporate responsibility ethics (and now 21st Century) does not discriminate against anybody but also does not grant privilege to anybody. While it sounds easy, people most impacted by problems will almost always ask, "well, what about us in the middle of this (situation)? What is going to be done to us who have suffered so badly compared to the rest of you?"

And what shall we make of such a concept when everybody in "the commons" is not all involved on an equal basis?

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Reference no: EM13194179

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