The methods getsaleprice and getsaleweight

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131009475

The program must include five methods: printSale, getSalePrice, getSaleWeight, calcTax, and calcShipping. The method printSale takes no input parameters and has a return type of void; it prints values by by calling the other four methods and computing the sale total. The methods getSalePrice and getSaleWeight each return a double, which they get from user input. The method calcTax takes a double (the sale price) as a parameter and returns a double that is the amount of tax (use 6% as a fixed tax rate). The method calcShipping takes a double (the sale weight) as a parameter and returns the shipping amount as a double (calculate shipping as $10 if weight is less than 10, and $20 if weight is 10 or greater). The method printSale should print the sale price amount, tax amount, shipping amount, and sale total amount (sale price plus tax and shipping). 

Reference no: EM131009475

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