Reference no: EM132193286
1. In the early nineteenth century, as trade unions showed their willingness to strike, employers reacted in two ways: They formed employer associations, and they turned to ______ to protect their interests.
A. the federal government
B. the courts
C. the public
D. state legislatures
2. After the AFL-CIO merger in 1955, organized labor lo0st union members over the follwoing decades. Which of the follwoing in NOT one of ther easons for the decline offered by the authors of your text?
A . blue-collar union memebers have declined, along with a decline in industrial jobs.
B. Theres a widespread employer indifference to improving labor-management relations
C. Until recent years, antilabor sentiments have dominated public opinion.
D. Union resistance to technological change has encouraged featherbedding..
3. Which of the following statements best characterizes the media's perspective on the organized labor movement?
A. media reporting avoids accounts of strikes and work stoppages
B. Union Featherbedding is seldom examined, but union criminality gets alot of attention
C. when labor agreements are arrived at peacefully, they tend to be ignored
D. Overall, media reporting on u nion activities has been evenhanded.
4. six states account for more than half of all union workers in the United States. Which of the follwoing is not one of those states?
A. California
B. New York
C. Texas
D. Pennsylvania