Reference no: EM13343794
Question 3: An existing trunk sewer ABC has a diameter of 600 mm (see Fig. Q4). The length of sewers between successive manholes A to B and B to C is 50 m. The sewage flow from a new development at X (ground elevation = 536.35m) to the north of the trunk sewer is planned to be conveyed in a new sewer line XB (distance = 50m) to discharge in manhole B. The average flow is estimated to be 300 Lpcd, and the peaking factor is 3. The following limitations are given Vmin = 0.75 m/s, Vmax = 3.0 m/s, n = 0.013, minimum cover = 1.5 m. Determine the following:
(i) The maximum population that can be served from the new development without exceeding the capacity of the trunk sewer.
(ii) Diameter, slope, and invert elevations of sewer XB.
The following data is provided:
Ground Elevation, m 535.50 535.35 535.20
Invert Elevation, m 531.50 531.35 531.20
Peak Sewage level, m 531.80 531.65 531.50

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