The marketing ethics case- conflict of interest

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM13909802


Recall that a conflict of interest scenario was presented to a sample of 205 marketing researchers and that 111 of these researchers disapproved of the actions taken.

a. Let p be the proportion of all marketing researchers who disapprove of the actions taken in the conflict of interest scenario. Set up the null and alternative hypotheses needed to attempt to provide evidence supporting the claim that a majority (more than 50 percent) of all marketing researchers disapprove of the actions taken.

b. Assuming that the sample of 205 marketing researchers has been randomly selected, use critical values and the previously given sample information to test the hypotheses you set up in part a at the .10, .05, .01, and .001 levels of significance. How much evidence is there that a majority of all marketing researchers disapprove of the actions taken?

c. Suppose a random sample of 1,000 marketing researchers reveals that 540 of the researchers disapprove of the actions taken in the conflict of interest scenario. Use critical values to determine how much evidence there is that a majority of all marketing researchers disapprove of the actions taken.

d. Note that in parts b and c the sample proportion pˆ is (essentially) the same. Explain why the results of the hypothesis tests in parts b and c differ.

Reference no: EM13909802

Questions Cloud

Do the results support the professors hypothesis : The mean percentage of correctly recalled words was calculated for each type of list for each participant. From the information provided on the right, does any difference exist between the recall of high versus low frequency words?
Find the characteristic polynomial of matrix : Find the characteristic polynomial of matrix A. Show all details of your calculations. You want to complete this part by hand, but feel free to use technology to double-check your result
Do we estimate that m is less than four or greater than four : Use critical values to test the hypotheses you set up by setting a equal to .10, .05, .01, and .001. (3) Do we estimate that m is less than 4 or greater than 4?
What condition must be satisfied in order for the methods : Find the p-value for this test. Use the p-value to test H0 versus Ha by setting a equal to .10, .05, .01, and .001. What condition must be satisfied in order for the methods of this section to be appropriate?
The marketing ethics case- conflict of interest : Assuming that the sample of 205 marketing researchers has been randomly selected. How much evidence is there that a majority of all marketing researchers disapprove of the actions taken?
Provide evidence support claim that current audience share : Set up the null and alternative hypotheses needed to attempt to provide evidence supporting the claim that the current audience share for WXYZ is higher than last year's 25 percent share.
Controlled by a recessive gene : Albinism in human is controlled by a recessive gene 'a'. If both parents were known to carrier (Aa) for albinism. What is the chances of 1 normal and 3 albino in family of four and how?
Compute the p-value for the hypothesis test you set up : Compute the p-value for the hypothesis test you set up in part a. (2) Use the p-value to carry out the test by setting a equal to .10, .05,  and .001.
Formulate the null and alternative hypotheses needed : Formulate the null and alternative hypotheses needed to attempt to provide evidence that the new system has reduced the noncompletion percentage.


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