The mad scientists death-ray

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM136363

Q1. Bacteria are grown in 15N (heavy) medium and next transferred to 14N (light) medium and allowed to replicate for 1 generation. The DNA is consequently isolated and centrifuged in a CsCl2 gradient to yield what type of gradient band(s)?

Q2. The Mad Scientist's Death-Ray

Imagine that a mad scientist invents a death-ray that destroys a person's ciliary, sphenopalatine, and submandibular ganglia (and nothing else). Examine all the symptoms the victim would show. Will victim die, or would the scientist have to go back to the laboratory to invent a more effective death-ray?

Reference no: EM136363

Questions Cloud

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The mad scientists death-ray : Will victim die, or would the scientist have to go back to the laboratory to invent a more effective death-ray. The DNA is consequently isolated and centrifuged in a CsCl2 gradient to yield what type of gradient band(s).
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The patient complained of lack of ability to concentrate : It had been the warm, wet spring and she complained of a large number of flies in the area. She felt sick last day there after eating some canned food, as there was no cooler there. You had no time for culturing, as you require taking action fast.
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