Reference no: EM133325029
The tutor has great knowledge of the book: The Lost Boy by David Pelzer.
1. What emotional challenges did David face based on his experiences with his biological family, court, school, and foster care? Include a focus on fear, anxiety, and shame. Provide examples of each.
2. Define resilience, Discuss aspects of David's resiliency that allowed him to survive childhood adversity and eventually find a true family of his own. Consider assets that emerged over the book.
3. Discuss the events that built strength and how.
4. Name the individuals that supported him and how.
5. What individual traits and perspectives did David have that contributed to his resilience? (Include those discussed in your readings on resiliency). Be specific and cite examples.
6. How can David's story contribute to our knowledge of protective factors that allow abuse victims to rebound from adversity and hardship?
7. What might the child welfare system do to further build on this knowledge?