The literature review form the basis for the problem

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1328128


• Base your response on at least four current scholarly sources, of which two are articles from peer-reviewed journals.

• Cite references used according to APA 6th edition. Include an APA-formatted reference list.

• Insert your reference list at the end of each document.

• Assess the literature reviews in one quantitative, one qualitative, and one mixed method research study published in peer-reviewed journals. For each study, examine the literature reviewed conducted by the author or authors and answer the following questions.


o How well does the literature review form the basis for the problem or the research questions?

o How clearly is the literature review written? Whether you find it clearly written or not, provide justification for your conclusion.

o To what degree do the authors draw on the literature that was reviewed when discussing findings from the study?


o How well does the literature review form the basis for the problem or the research questions?

o How clearly is the literature review written? Whether you find it clearly written or not, provide justification for your conclusion.

o To what degree do the authors draw on the literature that was reviewed when discussing findings from the study?


o How well does the literature review form the basis for the problem or the research questions?

o How clearly is the literature review written? Whether you find it clearly written or not, provide justification for your conclusion.

o To what degree do the authors draw on the literature that was reviewed when discussing findings from the study?

Reference no: EM1328128

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