The leading global health agency is called

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Reference no: EM133235634

1. The leading global health agency is called:

United Nations

The World Bank

World Health Organization Centers for Disease Control & Prevention..

2. The original set of time-bound goals focused on eliminating extreme poverty and improving health and livelihoods for the world's population were called:

Sustainable Development Goals

World Development Goals

Millennium Development Goals

International Development Goals

3. Which of the following is NOT a possible critique of WHO?

Countries have voting power that is proportional to their financial contributions

Its organizational structure is rather expensive

It tries to address too many issues

Ministries of Health are seen as weak in many governments.

4. MDG 7 was to ensure environmental sustainability. How did we do global community in cutting carbon emissions?

Carbon emissions stayed about the same

We significantly increased carbon emissions

Developing regions significantly increased carbon emissions, while developed regions significantly decreased carbon emissions

We significantly decreased carbon emissions

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons that the MDGs fell short of achieving their targets?

Funding shortage

Governance failures

Policy neglect

Poverty traps

6. One problem with the World Bank's Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) was that they often resulted in reduced funding to valuable social programs.



Reference no: EM133235634

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