The leadership characteristics of the leader

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131659352 , Length: 3

Your chosen leader analysis should answer the following prompt: Select a leader from the list below. Your selection should be informed by the professional self- assessment that you completed in Module Two.

With instructor consultation and approval, you may select a leader who is not on the list provided.

If you select a leader not on the list, you should either have personal experience working with the leader, or the leader should have experience in a publicly traded company. This knowledge is necessary for you to find the required information related to the leader.


After you select a leader, submit a short paper or presentation on your self-assessment and your analysis of your chosen leader. Analyze the results of your self- assessment and then focus on your chosen leader, analyzing his or her career track and explaining what impact his or her leadership skills had on the organization and how the leader's management style helped him or her accomplish goals.

Refer to the Final Project Part I Rubric (below) for submission guidelines.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Self-Assessment

With your focus on leadership, analyze the results of your professional self-assessment. In your analysis, make sure to consider your strengths, areas for development, and your skills, abilities, and tendencies. You could also consider results such as your communication and team-building styles.

Briefly compare and contrast your self-assessment results to the leadership characteristics of the leader you selected. In other words, what skills and abilities does the leader have that you also have? What skills and abilities does the leader have that you do not?

II. Leadership and Management

Analyze the leader's professional career track and growth, focusing specifically on the leader's management roles and functions. How are the leader's leadership skills and abilities different from the management roles and functions he or she fulfilled?

What impact did the leader's leadership skills have on his or her ability to improve organizational structure, operations, and communication?

What impact did the leader's management roles and functions have on his or her ability to improve organizational structure, operations, and

Final Project Part I Rubric

Guidelines for Submission: Your professional leadership profile may be submitted as a paper or a presentation. If you choose to submit a paper, it should adhere

to the following formatting requirements: 2-3 pages, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. Whether you submit a paper or a presentation, you should have a minimum of five scholarly references. Use current APA-style guidelines for your citations and reference list.

Reference no: EM131659352

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