The knight''s tour problem

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Reference no: EM13163984

The knight's tour problem is as follows: given an initial position for a single knight on an otherwise empty chessboard, find a sequence of 64 moves that will make the knight visit every square on the board exactly once. This seemly impossible task can be accomplished using Warnsdorff's rule: at any time, with the knight at a given position, there are at most eight positions on the board to which the knight could move. Some are off the board; others have been visited earlier in the tour. Choose the position that has the fewest open positions available to it. If this criterion yields a tie, use the same criterion on each of the positions available from the current one, i.e., use a second-level tie-breaker. If there's a tie at the second level, choose arbitrarily.

Write a program that will read in the starting position of the knight and produce a knight's tour beginning at that position. Is a knight's tour always possible, regardless of the starting position?


Backtracking is an algorithmic paradigm that tries different solutions until finds a solution that "works". Problems which are typically solved using backtracking technique have following property in common. These problems can only be solved by trying every possible configuration and each configuration is tried only once. A Naive solution for these problems is to try all configurations and output a configuration that follows given problem constraints. Backtracking works in incremental way and is an optimization over the Naive solution where all possible configurations are generated and tried.

Naive Algorithm for Knight's tour?The Naive Algorithm is to generate all tours one by one and check if the generated tour satisfies the constraints.

while there are untried tours


   generate the next tour

   if this tour covers all squares


      print this path;



Backtracking works in an incremental way to attack problems. Typically, we start from an empty solution vector and one by one add items (Meaning of item varies from problem to problem. In context of Knight's tour problem, an item is a Knight's move). When we add an item, we check if adding the current item violates the problem constraint, if it does then we remove the item and try other alternatives. If none of the alternatives work out then we go to previous stage and remove the item added in the previous stage. If we reach the initial stage back then we say that no solution exists. If adding an item doesn't violate constraints then we recursively add items one by one. If the solution vector becomes complete then we print the solution.

Backtracking Algorithm for Knight's tour?Following is the Backtracking algorithm for Knight's tour problem.

If all squares are visited

    print the solution


   a) Add one of the next moves to solution vector and recursively check if this move leads to a solution. (A Knight can make maximum eight moves. We choose one of the 8 moves in this step).

   b) If the move chosen in the above step doesn't lead to a solution then remove this move from the solution vector and try other alternative moves.

   c) If none of the alternatives work then return false (Returning false will remove the previously added item in recursion and if false is returned by the initial call of recursion then "no solution exists" )

Reference no: EM13163984

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