The key objective of six sigma project

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Reference no: EM132270703

Six sigma Exam

1. In the Kano model, what sort of requirement would the fire escapes in a hotel be?

A. Expected

B. Wanted

C. Not a customer requirement

D. Exacter /Delighter

2. Which of the following is the key objective of a six sigma project?

A. Developing a matrix to understand the how’s and what's of a problem process

B. Developing detailed control charts for optical processes

C. Reducing investment costs while improving output quality reducing variation in critical processes

3. Special cause variation:

A. Can only be eliminated from a process by fundamentally changing the process

B. Happens so often, t is difficult to separate from the randomly occurring common cause variation

C. Has an assignable cause we need to work to discover

D. Is more often associated with inputs from outside our organization than with our internal processes

4. To enable a Six Sigma process, our project might try to eliminate.

A. Rework

B. Defects

C. Delays

D. Variation

E. All of the above

5. A Change Management Plan has to be developed

A. After Implementation of the Solution

B. After Identifying the Root Cause

C. Before Implementation of the Solution

D. After the Control Stage

6. What important questions that a high level problem statement should answer?

A. What is the scope of a problem and what s the cost savings

B. What is the problem and what are the potential X's

C. What is the customer complaint and what is the CTQ?

D. What is the problem and what is the effect of the problem?

7. When looking at defects in your process, which is the best tool to use to help decide the most important things to focus on?

A. Pugh matrix

B. Pareto Chart


D. Guse and Effed matrix

8. Red - Tagging of articles is a part of the following tool

A. 5S

B. Kanban


D. Vale Stream Mapping

9. Which of the following is used to develop an extensive list of ideas about a subject

A. Brainstorming

B. Problem solving

C. Benchmarking

D. Goal Setting

10. Control limits are established at what standard deviation away from the mean on both sides :

A. 3

B. 8

C. 2

D. 4

11. Rules- in-Use Rule 2 must be :

A. Identify Content

B. Guided by a teacher

C. Direct

D. Pre-specified

12. Confidence limits are the ...................the confidence interval.

A. Range values within

B. Upper and lower values of

C. Design specifications for

D. Predetermined value (%) of

E. None of the above

13. Mapping the current 'as-in" process:

A. Talk with the process owners or managers to understand what supposed to be done

B. Talk with operational responsible for carrying out the process since they may do things differently than specified

C. Include all process stakeholders

D. All of the above

14. 5S :

A. Is a process and method for creating and maintaining an organized, clean and high performance workplace

B. Enables anyone to distinguish between normal and abnormal conditions at a glance

C. Is a systematic way to improve the workplace, our processes and our products through employee involvement

D. All of the above

15. Reason(s) for poor project definitions include:

A. Lack of specifics

B. Unclear goals

C. Poor Champion support

D. All of the above

16. A Green Belt has identified a solution for a problem. Now he should go for

A. Wait & Watch if the Problem is resolved by its own

B. Full Scale Implementation

C. Share the Solution with rest of the Organization

D. Pilot Implementation

17. The Mode is:

A. The most common measure of central tendency

B. The middle point of a dataset

C. Another way to describe standard deviation

D. The most common value that appears in a data set

18. What is the most serious of the 7 wastes?

A. Overproduction

B. Inventory

C. Defect

D. Correction

19. The Purpose of the Pilot Run is to test

A. How good the process meets design specifications

B. How good the process meets VOC

C. The Process Capacity & DPMO

D. All of the Above

20. Who is responsible for sustainability of the project?

A. Green Belt

B. Control Plan

C. Project Team

D. Project Champion

21. A cause and effect diagram lists..............factors that influence a given result.

A. Potential

B. Dependent

C. Major

D. Causal

22. The MA Maintenance department has installed a new system to prevent Work Orders with incorrect information from reaching Maintenance Execution. This is an example of:

A. Visual Factory

B. Kanban

C. Standard Work

D. Poka Yoke

23. Examples of Continuous Data include all of the following except:

A. Time

B. Gender

C. Room Temperature

D. Cost

24. Which is NOT a characteristic of a well selected project?

A. Project is controlled outside the company

B. Project is supportive of key business objectives

C. Project is measurable

D. Project is linked to customer CTQ

25. A key characteristic of a given process operating at 4 sigma will result in approximately................defects per million opportunities:

A. 6200

B. 3

C. 308000

D. 66000

E. none of the above

26. To improve a process so that no defects will occur for a specified key characteristic, we will try and reduce the:

A. Variation

B. Frequency

C. Specification limits

D. Statistics

E. None of the above

27. When Implementing Shine you:

A. Create procedures for continued daily shine processes

B. Set periodic equipment inspection and maintenance targets

C. Determine the shine targets

D. All of the above

28. When would you see and I & MR Chart?

A. When I have discreet data with 5 or more subgroups

B. When I have continuous data with 5 or more subgroup

C. When the data contains Special Cause variation

D. When I have continuous data with 1 subgroup

29. Why do organization use Lean Six Sigma?

A. Increase Revenue

B. Decrease Cost

C. Increase Efficiency

D. All of the above

30. The phase of a Six Sigma project where you confirm through statistical evidence how a process is behaving and why is called:

A. control

B. define

C. analyze

D. Improve

E. None of the above

31. The Mean and the Median are two of the most common measures associated with:

A. Range variation of the data

B. The standard deviation of the data

C. The center of the data

D. None of the above

32. Reason(s) for poor project definitions include:

A. Lack of specifics

B. Unclear goals

C. Poor champion support

D. All of the above

3. When you Sort you:

A. Leave only what you need

B. Only remove the items that know you may never need

C. Simply arrange things in a neater fashion

D. All of the above

34. Visual management tools include all with exception of:

A. Performance Indicators

B. Digital displays

C. Working Permit

D. Lights

35. Which of the below test is used to validate the improvement for Continuous data

A. 2 Level Factorial Design

B. 2 Sample T test

C. 2 Sample Poisson Rate

D. 2 Proportion Test

36. What is the main role of a change agent in a Six Sigma Project?

A. Overcome fear of the unknown

B. Identify the team which is responsible for failure

C. Reorganize departments

D. Determine Performance Criteria

37. A Pugh Matrix is used to

A. Identify the Critical X

B. Identify the Constraints in Implementing a Solution

C. Identify the Optimal Solution

D. Identify Voice of the Customer

38. Process mapping is a vital analysis tool which graphically shows the flow of a process A process map

A. Does not include inputs to the process

B. Should be done at the end of Measure after data has been collected

C. Does not Describes graphically the solution

D. Shows re-work loops, handoffs, decision points, value added vs. non-value added tasks, flow rates, volumes and manual/automated steps

39. Which of the following is not true: To Sustain 5S you:

A. Celebrate improvement and schedule time to improve

B. Establish checklist for visitors to review

C. Create audit forms and present results

D. Schedule audits only when visitors are arriving

40. To translate our Statement of Opportunity to a more detailed Program Statement we need to know more about our customer by using what kind of tool.


B. Value Stream map

C. Process Map

D. Swim lane Map

41. Which of the following is the Rules-in Use Rule 1?

A. Connection

B. Improvement

C. Activity

D. Pathway

42. If I need to test a hypothesis that the mean for a given process metrics has increased due to changes we have made, I would use a one-sided/two-side test.

A. Two sided

B. One sided

43. Rules – in- Use Rule 4 must:

A. Include Built-in-test

B. Use the scientific Method

C. Occurs at the lowest Possible Level

D. All of the above

44. A cause and effect diagram lists _____________ factors that influence a given result.

A. Dependent

B. Major

C. Potential

D. Casual

45. How do you identify the area of focus within your process?

A. Process map

B. Voice of the customer (VoC)

C. Value Stream Map

D. All of the Above

46. Which of the following is not true: A3 Thinking?

A. Identifies the problem

B. Verifies the hypothesis

C. Does not rely on data

D. Establish a hypothesis

47. In what phase of DMAIC is the problem outlines and scope?

A. Measure

B. Analysis

C. Define

D. None of the above

48. Which of the following source is in general the smallest source of variation?

A. Within subgroup

B. Between subgroup

C. Overall

D. None of the above

49. When assessing a measurement system for variation, we should look for the following components:

A. Standard deviation

B. Stability

C. Automation

D. All of the above

50. All of the following are measures of Central Tendency except:

A. Measurement

B. Mean

C. Median

D. Mode

51. Which of the below test is used to validate the improvement for Discrete Data

A. 2 sample T Test

B. Formality Test

C. 2 Proportion Test

D. 1 Sample Z Test

52. Examples of Special Cause variation include:

A. Traffic lights

B. Typing mistake

C. Richer scale

D. All of the above

E. None of the above

53. Which of the following is a TRUE statement about ideas and techniques of Lean Six Sigma?

A. Specific to rapid improvement and not to used elsewhere

B. Only applicable in Manufacturing environments

C. Only to be used by Black Belts & Green Belts

D. Useful for a wide range of management challenges

54. The Define Stage of a DMAIC process is intended to

A. Agree between Green Belt and Sponsor, the scope and business objectives of project

B. Identify the solution of the problem

C. Identify the cause of the problem

D. Not communicate to management

55. What is the process of Cycle Efficiency (PCE) for a process with the following parameters: WIP =600 units; Value Add (VA) time = 5hrs; and Exit Rate = 20 units/hr?

A. 16.7%

B. 6%

C. 10%

D. 4%

56. Why should we assess process capability

A. Enable comparison of actual performance and the customer specific limit

B. We don’t really need to compare process capability if we already know the control limit

C. Process capability limit shows defect root cause

D. All of the above

57. There are a number of options to address variation in a process, which of the following is the BEST option?

A. Relax the specification limits

B. Optimize the mean

C. Reduce variation

D. None of the above

58. You can use an X-bar and R chart when:

A. I have an earlier version of Minitab which does not have I&MR charts

B. I want to observe shift in the mean of a process

C. The sub group size is 1

D. None of the above

59. A Control Chart is a:

A. Statistically- based tool for monitoring a process in real time

B. Graphical display showing process performance over time

C. Set of rules for determining when a process is statistical control

D. Trigger to initiate the response plan

E. All of the above

60. The MA Maintenance department has installed a new system to prevent Work Orders with incorrect information from reaching Maintenance Execution This is an example of:

A. Kanban

B. Poka yoke

C. Visual Factory

D. Standard work

61. Since sample sizes correspond to the amount of change we need to detect, the smaller the alpha (a) and beta (B) risks, the Smaller / larger the sample size must be.

A. Larger

B. Smaller

62. Which of the following is an element of standardized Work

A. Product dimension

B. Take time

C. Product Value

D. Product Cost

63. What is the difference between common cause and special cause variation?

A. Common cause variation is inherent to the Voice of the Process (VoP)

B. Common cause variation always impacts process performance

C. Special cause variation is always present

D. Special cause variation is not important so we must focus on eliminating it

64. The major ranking criteria in a FMEA are:

A. Occurrence, Severity, and Number

B. Severity, Occurrence and Detection

C. Risk, Priority, and action

D. Frequency, Likelihood and correction

65. What would you use the QFD room number 1 for?

A. Describe the relations, the what vs. the how

B. Identify and list the process of metrics

C. List the customer requirements

D. Map the interactions between metrics and customer requirements

66. Poka Yoke is technique to

A. Inspect for a defect

B. Prevent a defect

C. Detect a defect before it reaches customer

D. Correct a defect

67. Continuous data can be assessed in the following way:

A. Center and Spread

B. Mean and Median

C. Variance and Range

D. All of the above

68. In the Control Phase. Control Charts are used for:

A. Monitor and maintain the improved performance

B. Detect the special cause initiation

C. Initiate response plan

D. All of the above

69. The purpose of Control phase is:

A. To make sure bonus is properly calculated

B. To comply with ISO standards

C. To control the operations

D. To monitor the process to ensure sustainability

70. Statistical Process Control (SPC) is:

A. Combines Special and Common Cause variation to control the process output

B. Does not take into account standardization because all processes are different

C. The application of statistical method to identify and control the special cause of variation in a process

D. None of the abov

71. A washing machine does not work if the door is open. This is an example of the Mistake Proofing Technique

A. Detection & Control

B. Prevention & Control

C. Prevention & Shutdown

D. Detection & Warning

72. The role of the Green Belt in a team is to:

A. Facilitate any people issue in the team

B. Coach the team in improvement techniques to enable them to find their won solution

C. Act as a contact liaison for the project sponsor

D. All of the above

73. A project Charter includes:

A. Reason objective and time frame for corporation

B. Only approval from the project Champion

C. A decision of the project, terms used in the project and the data value of the project

D. Problem statement goal(s), reason for selection, boundaries, local time frame form initiation to completion and team member approval

74. A project Charter includes:

A. Center and Spread

B. Mean and Median

C. Variance and Range

D. All of the above

75. Process and measurement variation are the same thing

A. True

B. False

76. Special Cause variation is caused by the "trivial many" with small impact

A. True

B. False

77. CTQ’s are derived from the VOC’s

A. True

B. False

78. A process in control is always capable of consistently meeting customer expectations

A. True

B. False

79. Process maps are commonly used to describe the Voice of the Process ( VoP):

A. True

B. False

80. Once a solution is identified by using Pugh Matrix, consensus form Stake Holder in not required.

A. True

B. False

81. Discreet data cannot be counted and is normally measured?

A. True

B. False

82. A process was generating defects resulting in Customer Dissatisfaction. The area management observed the inspectors in-charge of quality control were not capable and replaced them with Expert inspectors. The human error in this process is thus eliminated.

A. True

B. False

83. We can use a C chart for continuous data if we want to count the number of defects:

A. True

B. False

84. WIP is the sum of all inventory within a physical work area:

A. True

B. False

85. In any problem, there could be more than one root cause:

A. True

B. False

86. Control charts help distinguish between Special Cause and Common Cause variation:

A. True

B. False

Reference no: EM132270703

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