The key messages from a branding perspective

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131478768 , Length: word count : 1200

You have selected what you believe is an ideal market segment to pursue with your advertising and public relations strategy.

You believe that targeting this segment will reach your specific marketing objectives, ultimately meeting the bank's long-term strategic goals.

The bank president wants to make sure that the new segment is the best one available by determining if they are relevantly different than the present customer base.

Using the bank scenario as a guide, discuss the following:

Compare and contrast the similarities and differences regarding the needs, wants, and psychographics of your current and new market segment.

Create and describe the key messages from a branding perspective that you wish to deliver to the new market segment that will provide the greatest impact.

Explain why this message will appeal directly to the new market segment.

Discuss whether digital or traditional approaches will provide the best promotional channels for your new target market, and explain why.

Identify 2 communication channels that will reach your specific target segment, and explain why these are appropriate for your specific target segment 1000-1200 words

Reference no: EM131478768

Questions Cloud

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Explain the competitive pressures that are present in market : Discuss the effect of international trade on each market structure. Explain the competitive pressures that are present in markets with high barriers to entry.
What are the equilibrium quantity and equilibrium price : What are the equilibrium quantity and equilibrium price? How much consumer surplus exists in this market? What will the consumer surplus be after the tax?
The key messages from a branding perspective : Create and describe the key messages from a branding perspective that you wish to deliver to the new market segment that will provide the greatest impact.
What criteria does firm have to satisfy quality for benefits : In the text, we learned that workers displaced by import competition are eligible for compensation through the Trade Adjustment Assistance program.
Creatively illustrate traditional and new media options : The purpose of this assignment is to creatively illustrate traditional and new media options.
What is the best definition of net worth : What is the best definition of net worth? Let's also say that its current market price is $960,000. What would be its interest rate?
Identify and label vertical and horizontal side of triangles : This problem uses the Heckscher-Ohlin model to predict the direction of trade. Consider the production of handmade rugs and assembly line robots in Canada.


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