Reference no: EM132657213
Assignment 1
The separation of the juvenile court from the adult court for hearing juvenile delinquency cases is a major social justice statement. The textbook lays out five critical thinking questions at the end of Chapter 6. Select one for your initial post to the discussion:
Should the philosophy of the juvenile court system be rehabilitative or punitive? Defend your position.
Has Child Protective Services "run its course" like some critics suggest? Or should it be revamped? How would you revamp such a service?
Teen courts have become a popular option for diverting youth. Is there a downside in involving the youth's peers in the process? Support your case.
Although most states have retained their transfer laws, the rate of transfers to adult court has remained stable. Why do you think this is the case?
Do you agree with the U.S. Supreme Court in regards to the Roper v. Simmons and Miller v. Alabama cases? Why are or why not?
In your response, focus on alternative juvenile court solutions addressed in your readings. Provide a different perspective that either supports your classmate's opinion or provides an alternative opinion. How does the juvenile court issue affect our social justice goals?
Assignment 2
Use the Ashford University Library to locate a journal article encompassing such topics as: policing, school programs, and community-oriented policing. You can use your research in your Final Paper, due in Week Five. Also, the Required and Recommended Resources, listed every week, are available to use as research for your Final Paper. Once you have found an article, provide the following information:
Correctly cite the article in APA format: name of journal, authors, title of article, location.
Summary of the article. Which type of crime intervention/preventionstrategy is being addressed?
List key findings and recommendations.
After reviewing the journal summary by your classmates, what assumptions need to be made to incorporate the court initiated delinquency intervention/preventionstrategy? Does the court initiated delinquency intervention/preventionprogram mesh with other delinquency intervention/preventionprograms, creating a synergistic effect for the criminal justice system? How does it affect social justice?