The jewish women during the holocaust

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131289114 , Length: 8

"Informational" paper
Minimum length: 8 pages, excluding bibliography/ sources cited page(s).
(MLA Format)

Websites that should be used are: Scholarly articles and books accessed onlinTopic: The Jewish Women during the Holocaust

General Purpose: To inform

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the harsh times and tragedies of the Jewish woman.

Thesis: From the disaster to the many documentaries, the tragic stories of the Jewish woman during the holocaust is still a heart

wrenching historical tragedy.

1. Introduction:

a. Background of the Holocaust
b. Preview of three main points: Today I am going to give you information about Jewish women during the Holocaust. There are three main points to touch on. First, the affect the Holocaust had on Jewish women. Second the role women had to play during the Holocaust. Third the outcome of Jewish women after the Holocaust.

2. Body:

I. Point one: The affect the Holocaust had on Jewish Women.
Sub-Pointa: There were rules and policies put in place by the Germans that treated women differently
Sub-Point b:The coping strategies and reactions of Jewish women in the Ghettos and concentration camps.

II. Point two:The role Jewish women had to play during the Holocaust.
Sub-Point: a. How Jewish women work ethic changed
Sub-Point: b. Pre War Roles

III. Point-Three: The Outcome of Jewish women after the Holocaust
Sub-Point: a. Women in the Jewish Resistance
Sub-Point: b. Life for Jewish families after the holocaust and the role of the Jewish mother

Reference no: EM131289114

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