The java code conventions

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13753862

The following scenario will be used for the Learning Team Assignment. Each week a new portion of the project will be assigned with the combined work delivered at the end.

A customer has come to your team and has requested a simple application that will allow the customer to store client names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Your team is tasked with building this "database" application. Here are some of the requirements:
In this simple example, the application can programmatically enter data (within the program itself rather than using keyed input).
A constant can be used to set the maximum number of records.

The database must check to ensure that telephone numbers are numbers and output a message if they aren't

The database must be able to retrieve client information and display it on the screen for a specific telephone number match.

The program must be well commented and documented using javadoc.

The program must conform to the Java Code Conventions

The program must be well labeled, well documented, fully tested, cannot crash, and meet the above customer requirements.

Submit a Team Programming Assignment Sheet that includes your design, programs, outputs, testing, etc. This should include most of what you have published in your prior team assignments as well as your programs and output screenshots. Include team testing and all other information in the template. Use the Programming Assignment Sheet Template.

Reference no: EM13753862

Questions Cloud

Identify potential sales and department store transactions : Identify the potential sales and department store transactions that can be stored within the database. Design a database solution and the potential business rules that could be used to house the sales transactions of the department store
Identify the role of traceability of aerospace components : Identify the role of traceability of aerospace components and how it can help overcome issues with quality within the supply chain - Evaluate how business has performed in its efforts for sustainability using the AAA model.
Why did the country of egypt seize control ofthe canal : Why did the country of egypt seize control ofthe canal?
Analyze why 1968 was such as turbulent year : analyze why 1968 was such as turbulent year. In your opinion, which event was the most significant in leading to the turmoil that was 1968?
The java code conventions : The database must be able to retrieve client information and display it on the screen for a specific telephone number match. The program must be well commented and documented using javadoc. The program must conform to the Java Code Conventions
Create a mailmerge : Create a Mailmerge-Your form letter must include an inserted picture or graphic and should give the address of a web site
Review a phonebook program : Add a command ‘d' for delete to delete an entry corresponding to a name typed by the user. Add a command "u" to allow a user to update (edit) one or more of the fields in the phonebook
Marketing and brand management : Marketing and Brand Management final project module
Write a journal essay about aztecs mayans and incas : Write a journal essay about Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas.


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JAVA Programming Questions & Answers

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  Build a graphical user interface for displaying the image

Build a graphical user interface for displaying the image groups (= cluster) in JMJRST. Design and implement using a Swing interface.

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  Input pairs of natural numbers

Java program to input pairs of natural numbers.

  Create classes implement java interface

Interface that contains a generic type. Create two classes that implement this interface.

  Java class, array, link list , generic class

These 14 questions covers java class, Array, link list , generic class.

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