The interfaces that are applicable to the mobile devices

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13753614

Write a ten to fifteen (10-15) page term paper. The paper must address the following topics:

Information Gathering

1. Describe the following:

a. The purpose and goals of the mobile self-service.

b. The target audience.

c. The audience needs and wants.

d. The resources that will be required to achieve the desired output.

Design Strategy

2. Describe each of the following.

a. The design of the Website for mobile devices.

b. The interfaces that are applicable to the mobile devices.

3. Design each of the following using Microsoft Visio or any open source wireframing or mockup tool. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.

a. The self-service Web page to enroll in your courses using mobile device.


4. Write a proposal to the University including the following:

a. The prototypes that could be created.

b. The type of usability testing to use in determining the design that will provide the best user experience.

c. The type of evaluation methods to use in determining the design that will provide the best user experience.


5. Provide details of how the mobile self-service will be implemented on the various mobile devices. Note: Keep in mind that the university already provides a self-service Website for non-mobile students.

Maintenance and Growth

6. Elaborate on the guidelines for how the self-service Website can be kept current as newer mobile devices are being introduced at a rapid rate.

7. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Reference no: EM13753614

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