Reference no: EM13860573
QUESTION 1 The Gilded Age
a.was a term coined by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner
b.refers to the period in U.S. history from 1840 to 1860
c.Was a term coined by Theodore Roosevelt
d.refers to the period in U.S. history of increased labor rights and votes for women
QUESTION 2 The Pullman Strike
a.marked a victory for capital over labor
b.destroyed the steel union
c.tarnished Andrew Carnegie's reputation
d.brought train service to Chicago to a standstill
QUESTION 3 In the late 19th century, Chinese immigrants
a.were removed from the country by the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1890
b.helped build American's railroads
c.all of the above
d.were largely concentrated on the east coast in cities such as Philadelphia and New York
QUESTION 4 Andrew Carnegie
a.was born into the emerging "middle class"
b.was born and remained in poverty
c.Was born into a prosperous steel mill owner's family
d.lived a "rags to riches" life
QUESTION 5 The Homestead Strike of 1892
a.resulted in a major setback for workers attempting to unionize
b.was a major victory for workers on the path to unionization
c.resulted in a defeat of Carnegie and the Carnegie Steel Co.
d.could not muster enough workers to shut down the steel mill
QUESTION 6 The Gibson Girl was:
a.A famous dancer from the 1920s, known for her provocative moves.
b.The mascot of Woodrow Wilson's political campaign in 1915
c.a type of woman used in magazine illustrations by Charles Dana Gibson
d.The wife of Boston mayor, Kimball Gibson.
QUESTION 7 Muckrakers like Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, and Theodore Dreiser were concerned about:
a.Exposing corporate greed which undermined traditional American values.
b.Using journalism to expose the criminal behavior of serial killers.
c.Selling as many books as they could to be the most popular writers in America.
d.Acquiring as much wealth as they could.
QUESTION 8 During Theodore Roosevelt's presidency, which list is an accurate description of his accomplishments as a Progressive?
a.supported big business, stopped immigration, and increased federal regulation
b.busted trusts, made conservation federal policy, and increased federal regulation
c.busted trusts, stopped immigration, and decreased military spending
d.supported big business, made conservation federal policy, and decreased federal regulation
QUESTION 9 Edward H. Clarke's Sex in Education: A Fair Chance for girls argued that women should be allowed unhampered access to learning and education.
QUESTION 10 The poems we have read as part of our World War I module
a.celebrate the brave nature of American soliders
b.are epic accounts of what happened on the field in great detail
c.are historical sources that can testify to the government's role in WWI
d.speak to the fragility of life and the enduring impact of the war on soliders
QUESTION 11 In "I Have a Rendezvous with Death," the author feels _____________ about death?
a.fearful yet remorseful
QUESTION 12 President Theodore Roosevelt
a.sought to impose order and stability in the Western Hemisphere
b.intervened militarily in Cuba and the Dominican Republic
c.initiated the construction of the Panama Canal
d.all of the above
QUESTION 13 Theodore Roosevelt
a.said businesses have the right to use the environment as they pleased
b.did not feel strongly about the environment one way or another
c.pushed for deregulation of the environment
d.was a crusader for environmental causes
QUESTION 14 During the Great War (World War I), America fought on the side of Britain and France.
QUESTION 15 Women were not allowed to participate in the Settlement House movement.
QUESTION 16 The main difference between the two poems read for the Empire/WWI module is: is courageous and the other is disillusioned solider feels vicitimized and one is angry is about the "enemy" and one about "brave" Americans is written before a solider died and one is after a solider died
QUESTION 17 In her article on doughboys, Wingate argues:
a.doughboys were not celebrated at all until after the war when they became celebrities.
b.doughboys never achieved cultural celebrations because of their connections with the sadness of the war
c.Americans loved doughboys because they were marketed as joyful creations that celebrated American cuisine
d.doughboys became symbols of Ameican vitality, loyality, and patriotism
QUESTION 18 Wilson was successful in achieving all of his war aims at the Versailles (Paris) Peace Conference following World War I.
QUESTION 19 Frederick Jackson Turner
a.was a Social Darwinist
b.was a steel company owner
c.was a famous band leader
d.was a historian who talked about the frontier
QUESTION 20 What did FDR do to get the economy back on track?
a.create programs such as the Works Progress Administration (WPA) which produced art and literature
b.all of the above to create a strong social system to help those in need
d.enlist the help of academics and entreprenuers to provide options and ideas
QUESTION 21 Railroads
a.helped to create a truly national market for manufactured goods
b.cost American tax payers 4.7 billion of dollars between 1890-1910
c.established time zones
d.all of the above
QUESTION 22 The most famous and arguably important programs to come of the FDR's time is office were called:
a.The Industrial Rights Act
b.The New Deal
c.Social Security Office
d.National Act for Economic Recovery (NAER)
QUESTION 23 Social Darwinism
a.supported the theory of laissez-faire economics
b.was popularized by Herbert Spencer
c.stressed the survival of the fittest
d.all of the above
QUESTION 24 JC Leyendecker was
a.a member of President Roosevelt's inner circle illustrator who created The Arrow Collar Man
c.a gay rights activist
d.The author of The Jungle
QUESTION 25 The leaders of the United States and Germany during WWI were:
a.Wilson and Wilhelm
b.Roosevelt and Bismark
c.Roosevelt and Wilson
d.Wilson and Hitler
QUESTION 26 What was the Red Scare?
a.Anti-German propoganda in the years before WWI
b.An art movement in wartime New York
c.A push to rid the US of communists and other radicals
d.another term for the fever of 1919
QUESTION 27 What was New Imperialism?
a.a mid-20th century push by America and its allies to control war-torn Europe
b.The primary philosophy of The Progressives
c.The word used to describe German's agression during WWI
d.a late 19th century scamble for colonies by Europe and the United States
QUESTION 28 Rock bottom for the American economy during The Great Depression was:
QUESTION 29 Who was Dorothea Lange?
a.a famous fashion designer
b.A photographer for the WPA
c.A suffragette who wrote "Baby Cali's Got A Fever" to trumpet women's right to vote
d.The author of "The Jungle"
QUESTION 30 In The Great Gatsby, Jordan Baker
a.was Gatsby's great love
b.worked at a gas station and had an affair with Tom Buchanan
c.was a professional athlete
d.married the narrator at the end of the story
QUESTION 31 In the first 100 days of his presidency, F.D. Roosevelt
a.passed several important banking acts
b.was nearly impeached by Congress on two occasions
c.Started the WPA
d.failed to inact any meaninful legislation because of problems with Congress
QUESTION 32 The Works Progress Administration aimed to
a.combat Communism by making convicted communists work on farms
b.restart the American farming industry
c.improve progress in farming
d.overhaul the country's infrastructure
QUESTION 33 American culture in the 1930s was largely centered around
a.the development of television
b.American musicals, such as Annie Get Your Gun programming forms of art such as photography
QUESTION 34 The main characters in The Jungle are
a.workers in the meat packing industry
b.communists on the run from the American government
c.women trying to support their families
d.reformed communists
QUESTION 35 In The Gibson Girl Goes to College, historian Lynn Gordon argues:
a.American women won the right to vote by proving their physical abilities in sports was a breeding around for female communists
c.The Gibson Girl recast the image of American women as youthful and vibrant
d.The Gibson Girl inspired Americans to support women's voting rights
QUESTION 36 The myth of the West
a.touted the West as a dangerous place for most Americans
b.encouraged Americans to believe the West was extremely safe for settlement
c.gave indigenous people a voice in mainstream American culture
d.none of the above
QUESTION 37 Between 1890 and 1920, the most prominent immigrant groups were
a.Eastern Europeans and Germans fleeing oppression
b.Italians and Eastern Europeans
c.Famine-stricken Irish and Italians
d.Irish and Jewish immigrants
QUESTION 38 What is Nativism?
a.opposition to immigrants and immigration
b.late 1890s crime against Native Americans
c.a push for patriotism during WWI by promoting native-born leaders
d.Another term for The Red Scare
QUESTION 39 Sports in early 20th century America
a.were largely limited members of the wealthy class
b.were basically non-existant until 1920
c.were largely limited to cities
d.were increasingly popular
QUESTION 40 A major sex symbol in the 1920s was
a.F. Scott Fitzgerald
b.Rudolph Valentino
c.Micheal S. Finkbeiner
d.Charlie Chapman
QUESTION 41 In the 1920s, the Klu Klux Klan
a.incited racial violence at the Cotton Club in New York City, leaving 213 people dead
b.had lost much of its following due to divisions within the group itself
d.Enlisted the help of both Catholics and Jews to stand against people of color
QUESTION 42 In the 1920s, Prohibition was
a.largely supported by most Americans
b.highly successful in keeping alcohol off the streets
c.generally ignored by the government and the people of the United States
d.a highly contested topic in American culture
QUESTION 43 In the 1920s, politicians
a.continued to actively pursue global imperialism
b.spent much energy trying to get rid of President Coolidge
c.made sustained attempts to stop the spread of poverty in the United States
d.backed away from interfering with foreign regimes
QUESTION 44 What was a major law or program of the First Hundred Days?
a.Farm Mortgage Assistance
b.Railroad Redundancy Program
c.Farming Affirmation Act of 1934
d.All of the above
QUESTION 45 What was The Dust Bowl?
a.a natural disaster of windstorms and dark skies
b.the ship brought down by German submarines in June 1914
c.A term created by Franklin D. Roosevelt to describe the American economy
d.none of the above