The hodgkin-huxley model for the action potential

Assignment Help Simulation in MATLAB
Reference no: EM13919925

MATLAB Project - The Hodgkin-Huxley model for the action potential

Develop a cellular model for a neuron based on the Hodgkin-Huxley equations for the action potential. Use the model to simulate dynamic changes in membrane potential for the scenarios outlined in the handout from Hoppensteadt textbook.

Your report must be at least 7 complete double spaced pages, not including figures and tables. Therefore, there must be at least 7 pages of text. Use ¾ -inch margin at top, bottom, right and left. In the Introduction section briefly define the overall problem being examined. In the Methods section define the system, assumptions, equations, parameters, and numerical methods employed for the solution. In the Results section describe what changes are being made to the model, and what the results show. Don't simply state what is in the figures but interpret and explain the results. Refer to each figure in the result section so that it is clear that you understand what the output is and how it reflects that changes in the model. Try to relate the output of the model to the physiology. Consulting a physiology textbook will be helpful. In the result section print your output (plots) label all figures with figure #s and legends and refer to each figure in you result section of your report (i.e. Fig. #). Give a print out of your code and/or set of parameter values in the Appendix.

Answer all questions posed in each paragraph. Fully explain your answers (don't simply state "increased" or "decreased", etc, but explain why. You will be graded on how well you follow directions, the accuracy of the output, your description of the changes that are being made, writing style and presentation, the critical review of the result and the amount of effort made on the assignment. Each student is to work independently. This is not a group project. If there is evidence that students worked together they will not receive credit for the assignment. You are welcome to turn in your assignment 1 week early to get feedback.

Reference no: EM13919925

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