The high price of multi- tasking by willingham daniel

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133295498

Article: The High Price of Multi- tasking by Willingham Daniel T

1. Discuss the context of your selected article, the author's purpose, and the style and tone. What have you learned from this early analysis?

2. How will a closer analysis of the author's claim and the writing structure help you to learn more about your selected reading?

3. Now that you have discussed the author's purpose for writing the selected reading, do you think the author's writing effectively achieves their purpose? What led you to this conclusion?

Reference no: EM133295498

Questions Cloud

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The high price of multi- tasking by willingham daniel : The High Price of Multi- tasking by Willingham Daniel T. Discuss the context of your selected article, the author's purpose, and the style and tone.
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