The graduate examines fundamental concepts

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Reference no: EM13949967

Fundamentals of Natural Science - The graduate examines fundamental concepts and theories in the natural sciences.

TASK 1 Introduction:

The body of scientific knowledge and understanding constantly undergoes change and refinement. Scientific discoveries and historical events have the capacity to alter our understanding of scientific concepts and the natural world.

Scientific discovery is based on observation, study, and experimentation, which in turn leads to new understanding. Theories such as the big bang are examples of a concept or phenomena in science about which what we know has changed over time based on new knowledge, understanding, and research.

Historical events, such as major natural disasters, have often led to new discoveries about our natural world, especially due to their unique capacity to yield real world data that can be further studied in the lab and field using models, simulations, smaller scale studies, etc.

In this task, you will explore specific examples of how our scientific understanding has changed over time based on research and new discoveries on (1) a concept in science, and (2) as a result of a historical event in our natural world.


A. Create a multimedia presentation (e.g. PowerPoint, Keynote) (suggested length of 8-10 slides) in which you do the following:
1. Identify a specific scientific concept or phenomenon for which our understanding has changed over time (e.g., the nature and structure of the atom, genetics, plate tectonics, evolution, the solar system, big bang, biogeography).
a. Explain how scientific discoveries have changed our understanding of that scientific concept or phenomenon over time.
b. Include three specific, sequential examples that support your explanation of how your chosen concept has changed over time based on new knowledge and understanding.

2. Identify a specific historical event that has changed our scientific understanding of an aspect of the natural world (e.g., the eruption of Mount St. Helens, the tsunami in Indonesia, the moon landing, Chernobyl disaster, Exxon Valdez oil spill, major floods, earthquakes, tornadoes).
a. Discuss the social or historical context in which the event occurred.
b. Discuss the impact that your chosen historical event has had upon our scientific understanding of an aspect of the natural world.

c. Include two specific examples that support your analysis of how this event added to or changed our understanding of science in the natural world.

B. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Competency 114.2.3: Ecosystems - The graduate analyzes the components, organization, interactions, and processes of ecosystems.

TASK 2 Introduction:

"An ecosystem consists of all the organisms living in a community as well as all the abiotic factors with which they interact" (Campbell & Reece, 2005). There are many different types of ecosystems all over the world. Humans can have a great impact on these ecosystems.

In this task, you will choose a specific ecosystem to research and analyze the impact of humans on that ecosystem. Be specific in your selection. (For example, instead of choosing "desert ecosystem," select a specific desert ecosystem such as the Mojave Desert.)

Some examples of specific ecosystems are the mangrove swamps of Borneo, the old-growth forests of the Pacific Northwest, the Florida Everglades, the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, the Costa Rican rainforest, the ephemeral pools in Canyonlands National Park, a particular lake or forest, etc.


A. Create a multimedia presentation (e.g. PowerPoint, Keynote) (suggested length of 6-8 slides) that introduces and describes your chosen ecosystem, analyzes the impact of human activity on the ecosystem, and provides guidelines to help preserve your chosen ecosystem. Do the following in your presentation:

1. Describe the specific ecosystem that you have selected by doing the following:

a. Identify the specific geographic location of the ecosystem.

Note: You can use maps, written description of location, and latitude/longitude to provide the location of the ecosystem.

b. Explain the major biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem.

2. Discuss the impact that humans currently have on the specified ecosystem.

3. Predict the effect of future human impact on the specified ecosystem.

4. Provide guidelines regarding human activities that will aid in preserving the specified ecosystem.

B. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Competency 114.1.1: Scientific Concepts and Methodologies - The graduate recognizes and analyzes various natural phenomena and applies natural science methods and approaches to these natural phenomena.



Scientific inquiry is a process used to investigate the physical world. The experimental scientific method provides an organized approach for answering testable questions and confirming hypotheses.

Appropriate experimental questions investigate a causal link between the independent and dependent variables. For example, How does the amount of fertilizer affect the growth in height (cm) of plants?

In this task you will use the experimental scientific method to investigate a relevant, testable problem and communicate your findings in an organized written report.


IMPORTANT NOTE: You may not use living vertebrate animals as subjects in your experiment. Vertebrate animals are animals with a backbone. Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals are all vertebrate animals. Examples of Vertebrate animals include frogs, lizards, snakes, dogs, cats, and humans. Your experiment for Task 3 may not involve experimenting on living vertebrate animals. If you are not sure whether your experiment topic is acceptable, please contact a course mentor BEFORE you conduct your experiment. Experiments that use living vertebrate animals will not be accepted for Task 3.

Design and carry out a scientific experiment that investigates a topic from either the life, earth or physical sciences and uses appropriate methods, tools, technologies, and quantitative measurement units. For a list of possible science experiment topic ideas refer to the "Topic List" attachment.

Complete a written report (suggested length of 4-8 pages) in which you do the following:

Note: All parts under "A" can be completed before your experiment is conducted, and all parts under "B," "C," and "D," can be completed after your experiment has been conducted and your data has been collected. You will turn in all parts A-E together in one file when all work is complete and ready to submit.

A. Explain the significance of the given factors in your project design plan:
• Problem statement
• Relevance of your testable question

A1. Literature Review: In a literature review, summarize information from at least two sources. These sources should relate to your topic and experiment design, hypothesis formation, or data analysis (published works or works by other students) and/or provide the foundation for this experiment.

A2. In an experimental design, do the following:

A2a. Experimental Design Steps: Describe the steps in the experimental procedure.

Note: The level of detail should be such that someone else would be able to reasonably replicate your experiment from your description.

A2b. Reasoning: Discuss your reasoning for choosing this particular experimental design plan.
A2c. Sequence of Events: Explain the sequence of events you will use to collect quantitative data.
A2d. Tools, Technologies & Measurement Units: Describe the tools, technologies, and measurement units that will be used to collect quantitative data.
A3. Variables: Explain and identify the dependent, independent, and controlled variables for your study.
A4. Threat Reduction to Internal Validity: Explain what you will do to reduce the threats to internal validity.
A5. Hypothesis: In the hypothesis section, explain how you came up with your hypothesis.
• Include a clear statement of your hypothesis in your explanation.

B. Process of Data Collection: Explain the process of data collection (completed after the investigation is conducted)
• Use appropriate photographs, tables, or diagrams to clearly show the data collection process.
B1. Appropriate Methods: Discuss your use of appropriate methods, tools, and technologies to collect quantitative data.
• Use appropriate measurement units to collect quantitative data.

C. Results: Explain the results of your experiment (completed after the investigation is conducted), including graphical representations (e.g., bar graph, line graph, pie chart, etc.) of the data collected.
• Include appropriate measurement units in the graphical representations.

D. Conclusion: Provide a conclusion derived from your interpretation of the data. Include the following in your conclusion:
D1. Confirmation of Hypothesis: Discuss whether your results confirm or refute your hypothesis.
D2. Experimental Design as Key Factor: Explain why experimental design is a key factor in the success of the scientific inquiry.
D3. Replication: Explain how your investigation can be replicated by someone else.
D3a. Evaluation of Validity: Discuss how the replication of an experiment is an evaluation of validity.

E. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Reference no: EM13949967

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