The goose that laid the golden eggs

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Reference no: EM13178525

The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs
A farmer had a gray goose which gave him a big surprise one day. In her nest, he found a strange egg which was as yellow as gold and very heavy. At first, the farmer was certain someone had played a trick on him. Then he realized that the egg was real
gold. "Wife!" he chattered happily as soon as he got in the house. "See what our gray
goose has laid-an egg of real gold!"

The next day the farmer found another golden egg in the nest. And the next day he found another. It was wonderful! But by this time, the farmer had grown greedy for more and more wealth. "Why should I wait?" he thought. "If I cut the goose open, I shall get all her golden eggs at once. I will have great wealth in a minute!"

So, with great boldness, the farmer killed the goose, but found not a single egg inside. And his good gray goose was dead.

Moral: People who are greedy often throw away what they already have.

Which saying best expresses the meaning of the moral in the fable about the farmer and the gray goose? 

A. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 

B. All that glitters is not gold. 

C. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 

D. Money is the root of all evil 
Please give me the correct answer to this question.

Reference no: EM13178525

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