The google corporation

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13997162

HTML is governed by who?

o The Google Corporation.

o The Microsoft Corporation.

o The American Congress.

o The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

o The United Nations committee on Telecommunications


Reference no: EM13997162

Questions Cloud

Find the location of the person browsing : HTML5 now supports Geolocation which can be used to find the location of the person browsing.
What angular speed does the disc obtain : A spring (k=100 N/m) is compressed by 0.05 m. When it releases, it spins up a solid disc (m = 0.1 kg, r =0.03 m) that is initially at rest. What angular speed does the disc obtain?
Supports drag-and-drop of elements into a receiver : HTML5 now supports drag-and-drop of elements into a receiver called a "canvas". o Trueo False
What speed does the dart leave the gun : A spring loaded gun of spring constant 850 N/m is compressed a distance 45 cm before firing a 55 g dart. Assuming the gun is pointed horizontally, at what speed does the dart leave the gun?
The google corporation : HTML is governed by who? o The Google Corporation. o The Microsoft Corporation. o The American Congress.
How are companies differentiating their loyalty programs : Argue for or against the proposition that loyalty programs are effective customer retention strategies. And how are companies differentiating their loyalty programs today compared to when loyalty programs were first introduced
Is the system a simple harmonic oscillator : A spring-mass system is initially at rest is shown above. A mass m = 1.0 kg traveling at 12ms collides and sticks to the mass that is attached to the spring. Suppose k = 1000N m and M = 3.0 kg. Calculate the speed of the two masses immediately afte..
The internet is based on html : We hear that the internet is based on HTML. What is HTML exactly? o HTML is a protocol that is used to route data across the internet, via TCP/IP.
Make simple html document add a comment : Make simple html document Add a comment Add a hyperlink to Create simple HTML headings h1 to h6


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