The gold futures price for one year contract should be

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM132002277

1. A project has an initial cost of $60,000, expected net cash flows of $11,000 per year for 8 years and a cost of capital of 10%. What is the project's NPV?

2. Portfolio A has the average return of 12%, standard deviation of 24%, and beta of 0.85. In the same sample period, the S&P 500 portfolio has the average return of 13% and the standard deviation of 22%. The risk-free rate is 4%. What is the T2 measure of portfolio A?

3. The spot price of gold is $1,100 per ounce. The risk-free interest rate is 5%. It costs S5 to store an ounce of gold for a year (the storage cost is payable today). The gold futures price for a one year contract should be.

Reference no: EM132002277

Questions Cloud

Assume that project being considered has normal cash flows : Assume that the project being considered has normal cash flows, with one outflow followed by a series of inflows.
Evolve throughout the project life cycle : How would a project team be able to stay on top of risk that may occur as they evolve throughout the project's life cycle?
Create a file information output of your variables in spss : From Blackboard, download the SPSS HW #2 data file. The data file is from a handwashing study that was conducted at University XYZ.
Discuss the different stages and types of relationships : This week you read about the different stages and types of relationships (dating, hooking up, cohabitating, and marriage). Wrap up this week by sharing.
The gold futures price for one year contract should be : The spot price of gold is $1,100 per ounce. The gold futures price for a one year contract should be.
Identify the characteristics that make population unique : Identify the characteristics that make this population unique. Research the literature that supports the effectiveness of the treatment approach you identified.
Issue of liability so their liability is limited : How can nurses address the issue of liability so their liability is limited? Please include reference.
Forecast a scenario where this risk might be realized : Differentiate between the 3 tenets to indicate how this security breach impacts the hospital’s ability to secure their information.
Engage in international business : What impact does globalization have ob firms that voluntarily and consciously choose not to engage in international business?


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